There is a short and a long answer to this question, the first one being a simple, yet straightforward yes. If you intend on being the owner of such a pet, it would be highly recommended that you get a Rabbit Hutch that you can place outdoors or even indoors, if that is what you want. When you are shopping for new pets, you should also take a quick look on Puppy Training Pads, especially if you intend on getting a dog in the near future.
Despite the fact that some might tell you that you can keep your rabbit in a regular cardboard box, you will soon discover that this is one of the worst possible ideas. Besides the fact that these pets go potty very often and the box will soon start to have an unbearable odour, your rabbit will most likely run out of things to chew on at some point and will start chewing on the box. When you go to check on it, you will realize that your whole house is a mess. Rabbits tend to chew on the worst things, including cables that you might have lying around.
It would be so much easier if you would keep your pet in a Rabbit Hutch where it can have a happy life. Of course, there is nothing stopping you from allowing it to run free in the backyard for short whiles of time on a daily basis. But, you need to protect it against all sorts of predators that might try to snatch it. You can also keep it in the house for a short time, but prepare yourself for all kinds of mess.
If you have been thinking about getting a new puppy as well, you should definitely look for Puppy Training Pads. Most people say that potty training is not that complicated and that you do not need any help. But, the truth is that it would be much easier if you could use some pads. Everything would be over sooner than you think. Otherwise it might take many days and even weeks before your new pet gets the idea.
When you have special pads, you do not need too much time to handle this situation. The best part of it all is that your dog will not end up ruining all of your carpets or hardwood floors. Before they go potty in too many places, you have already managed to teach him to simply go potty outdoors. You can even have a designated area in the back yard if you want. The pads will help with this situation as well.
If you would like to invest in a variety of pet supplies such as Puppy Training Pads ( or even a fantastic Rabbit Hutch (, you should know that you do not have to look too far. Click on the right link, visit our site and order everything you need for all of your pets, regardless if we are talking about cats, dogs, rabbits or even birds!