Before we start, we need to let you know that we have some excellent deals right now on cheap rs gold , so be sure to have a look! Today in our blog we are looking at how you will be able to make some big money hunting Skillchompas.Feel free to train Invention to your heart's content over Double XP Weekend. It'll only give you access to more of those new blueprints, which you'll be able to take full advantage of for the following fortnight.No need to hold onto Inspiration. It's being removed with the update on the 18th, so use it up!When Monday comes, please do unlock any new blueprints right away. There's no reason to wait.Have an amazing Double XP Weekend, guys, and we'll see you in game on the 18th for all the Invention you can handle.
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Recently has a message about Runescape, that is Josh Pillault gets out from Prison. He gets free, at the same time,he arouses much attention again in RS world. what happened to Josh Pillault?Josh Pillault is a super fan of RS. One day when he playing the Runescape, The other gamer said that Pillault should go kill himself. He replied that he would not just kill himself, but he would take out a local high school. Just made a comment on Columbine, the other player has gotten what he wanted, and replied “Knock Knock” which is what happened. Josh has been in prison ever since.that year he just 19. Later, investigators has found Josh Pillault has researched the way to make bombs ,but the police officers didn’t find anything like that in his houses.
Hunting Skillchompas In Runescape
97 Hunter
Having a higher agility level will be very helpful as the higher it is the more Skillchompas you can catch at a time. 99 Agility will let you catch two at a time, with the chance to get 4! Having 99 Aura will also greatly help you out.
Where To Go And What You Need To Do
You need to be to the far west in Tirannwn, North of Tyrus Camp. As you are laying down your traps to catch the Crystal Skillchompas, you will notice that you have to just keep at it. The only trap we would not suggest using is the Protean Trap as this does not give as much XP so just use a regular trap.
Selling The Crystal Skillchompas
If you spend around an hour Crystal Skillchompas and you have 99 Agility along with 99 Aura, you can expect to capture a nice amount and be looking at easily getting over 1,000,000 XP per hour. As far as money goes, as of writing, Crystal Skillchompas are worth 2001 GP each so you are looking at potentially around 4 million per hour. As you can see, Skillchompas are very profitable and will score you a lot of XP so spending an hour or so hunting them down is well worth doing.
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