Diablo 3 Pets Getting Buffed To Survive Better and secure Diablo 3 gold with 78.6% off on diablo3star.com

Posted September 18, 2014 by alina27

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In response to user complaints that Diablo 3 pets are extremely vulnerable against Rift Guardians and other powerful opponents, a Blizzard Entertainment representative has confirmed that the game studio will finally buff the summoned companions.

Taking to the Battle.net forum to address the concern, game designer John Yang has detailed Blizzard’s Diablo 3 goals to review pet survivability and how much damage they get during enemy attacks. He said that they are actively working on it and will implement whatever they come up with via a future patch.

About Diablo 3 pets

In Diablo 3, pets are mainly the Witch Doctor class’ specialty. However, other classes can also spawn those companions based on their specific skills. During combat, pets get damaged when players face monster attacks that are relatively easy for them to avoid, but not so much for the summoned creatures as players aren’t able to control them individually.

What Blizzard will do to address Diablo 3 pet vulnerability

In a move to counter that, Yang posted an update on the Diablo 3 Battle.net forum that outlines how Blizzard will work to address the pet issue. He began the post with this comment, “We’re in the process of doing a review of Rift Guardian abilities and extremely damaging monster abilities in regards to the amount pets take.”

In the said forum post, Yang discussed the game studio’s pet philosophy, citing that the survivability of pets should correspond proportionately to the player’s own stats. He also mentioned some tips on how players can keep their companions alive while waiting for the patch, such as increasing their Toughness which will consequently increase their pet’s endurance.

The game designer further went on to say that “Pets should scale with your survivability stats. They currently scale with most of your stats but not all of them. This is being worked on. Pets should derive their Toughness from yours, and if you skip out on it, your pets’ survivability should be noticeably lower as a result. On the flip side, they should be noticeably tougher if you’ve increased your own Toughness. You shouldn’t skimp on Toughness just because you have pets.”

How pets will take the damage in future patch update

To sum it up, Blizzard intends to work toward the said Diablo 3 goal by allowing pets to take reduced damage based on how the avoidable monster attacks normally are for a player. Yang listed three different categories that roughly describe the various monster attacks and how they will affect the pets, namely “Full damage to pets,” “Reduced damage to pets” and “Drastically reduced damage to pets.”

The full details about those categories can be found on this Battle.net thread. Just scroll down until you see the blue-colored text.
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Last Updated September 18, 2014