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Posted November 28, 2014 by alina27

Buy wow cheap gold with 8% discount code CHEAPWOW from wowtoes.com for saving you money. And the more wow gold you buy , the lower price you enjo
When it comes to games that have had a huge impact on the industry, it's impossible to ignore World of Warcraft. It's not only existed for a full 10 years with millions of active players, it has done so with a mandatory subscription fee. Even in a climate that has left behind the subscription model, it stands strong as the most popular MMO on the planet.

I've been playing World of Warcraft since it released in 2004. Since that time I have been pulled away by numerous other MMOs who wished to topple Blizzard's giant. Myself and many others would hope for the best from Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, Age of Conan, Rift, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, and WildStar, games with similar multi-million dollar budgets and lengthy development cycles. While each of them are good in their own right, they are no substitute for World of Warcraft. After waiting this long for the fabled "WoW killer", I'm convinced that there may never be one.

There are a multitude of reasons why World of Warcraft remains at the top of the totem pole a full 10 years after launch. Below, we'll go over the biggest reasons why.

When World of Warcraft debuted in 2004, it was a time where many perceived that MMOs were supposed to be difficult and time consuming. Take for example a game like Final Fantasy XI where you have to group with others to level and you lose hours worth of experience if you die. Meanwhile, in Lineage 2 each level took more than 10 hours to obtain through repetitive grinding, and getting around the game world took seemingly forever. This cumbersome design was a prevailing theme in the genre before Blizzard entered the market.

When World of Warcraft released and reduced the opportunity cost for achieving reward, it was downright revolutionary. A genre that was once restricted to the hardcore was now accessible for all. This was the first time where it was easy to invite friends to come and join you in an MMO. Newcomers to the genre wouldn't have to deal with a lot of the headaches that previously tested the persistence of MMO gamers, and those who weren't able to play a lot were rewarded for Rested Experience that improved XP gains. Those who simply had no interest in playing an MMO before would find themselves deeply invested in Azeroth.

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Last Updated November 28, 2014