Solar control window film is a technologically sophisticated product that was aimed to assist maintaining a comfortable inside warmth without letting it seems cold, obscuring the sight, or compromising natural sunlight. The film is intended to be applied to current glass, with an interior fitting assuring the longest possible service life.
Solar control film is immediately effective once installed, creating a reflected pattern on the glass's outer sides throughout daylight hours. The reflective look reflects a portion of the sun's energy, preventing it from passing through the glass and increasing the internal warmth. If you are looking for Window film in Atlanta, feel free to contact American Window Film.
Added privacy
Window film offers a variety of elegant and easy-to-install alternatives for adding privacy to windows in a variety of scenarios.
When installed, the film provides the glass an instantaneous look, obstructing views from both ends while allowing natural light to pass through. This alternative is not only fashionable and aesthetically beautiful, but it is also extremely durable, having been built to be moisture resistant, making it ideal for difficult environments like bathrooms or shower screens.
Get a handle on glare
Glare is a year-round issue which can make simple tasks like watching Television or studying hard or irritating. Throughout the summer, daylight is inherently stronger, however during the cold; the sun's low-lying nature implies the light can enter your house or facilities at an odd angle via your glass. This strong or poorly placed light, if remain unattended, can create an uncomfortable inside environment, but anti-glare window film may help.
Saving energy and money
In addition to supporting to minimize carbon pollution, window tint film too can provide energy savings, resulting in lower energy expenses. Applying solar control window film to any glazing, if you have an office space or own commercial properties, will make your property less dependent on air conditioning systems, lowering power bills and costs.
Address: 8 Faneuil Hall Marketplace, 3rd floor Boston MA 02109
Contact: 508.549.0300
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