Buying an isi gourmet whip was probably the best purchases of your life. However, it is a very common occurrence to see that the grandiose notions that you had about your cream dispenser is somewhat falling short of fulfilling the thrill in the cooking. So let us save ourselves from that sinking disappointment by educating ourselves about the common glitches that come with the usage of this appliance and how to avoid them.
Very often, users of an gourmet whip file a complaint that while working the cream dispenser, there is a lot of cream that gets left behind. According to those who have faced this situation, having unused contents in the dispenser while the whipped cream charger is merrily working at nothing and the nitrous oxide just getting wasted was a common occurrence. The solution to this is that the user has to keep a very assiduous eye on the fat content of the cream that he or she is using.
While many of the above users say that shaking the cream dispenser seemed to somewhat relieve the situation for a bit, but you have to keep in mind that cream, for what it is, tends to stiffen up when shaken too hard or too many times. This will further aggravate your problem with the whipped cream charger. Elaborating on the fat content, typically, at the time of shaking before use, one should be sure to be working with at least 32% to 36% of fat. Not only this, it is highly recommended by the manufacturers themselves that if you are working with 36% fat cream, then you should be shaking your isi gourmet whip not more than three times. However, if it is 32% fat cream that you are using, then you can shake up to four to five times. Whatever percentage of fat you use, for the love of dessert, do not shake your dispenser in between the portions. It will not only result in the wastefulness of the resources you have at hand, it will also ruin your dish.
Another rookie mistake that whammies the best of us is that we tend to use the cream dispenser with the tip pointing upwards. This is also a big reason behind the isi gourmet whip not doing its job the way you would like it to do. The reason is that unless and until you do not work your whipped cream chargers with the base pointing upwards, you will not be able to provide your appliance with an optimum position whereby the job can be done. What will happen is that the pressurised nitrous oxide gas from the whipped cream chargers will not be able to properly interact with the grease of the cream and therefore you will be left with unused cream in the cream dispenser of your gourmet whip.
It is also a good idea to keep an eye on the stiffness of the contents of the dispenser. Try using lesser gelatine and also trim down the binding agents of your recipe.
You can see whipped cream chargers at whipped cream chargers ( ) , and a suitable isi gourmet whip at isi gourmet whip ( ) .Also, look up a good cream dispenser at cream dispenser ( ).