One of the best features is that the 2 cup carrier can be used as a stand-alone product. The Urban Coffee Carrier covers most drink sizes, and there are ample pockets to hold items, such as your keys, wallet, phone & even straws. The best news is it is available via the crowdfunding site Kickstarter.
Founder Julie McKenzie started her My Willy Wagtail business with her family because she believes that sustainability could make a difference and that our choices today can change the future for generations to come.
While Julie’s children were growing up, she could see the world drowning in a throw-away culture. She saw this human social concept where people would use items once and then throw them away and was disheartened that her children would grow up thinking this was normal.
Even though there were recyclable trays, Julie could see the energy and water use, and the rise of greenhouse gas emissions was very impactful. So, Julie designed the Urban Coffee Carrier to make a difference. It was a pivotal point in her life, and thus began her mission to change the industry one tray at a time.
“The future is in our hands, and we must honour and be mindful of the next generations to come. We must make better choices to GO GREEN creating a sustainable future. Life depends on it!” Julie McKenzie – FOUNDER