Pinheiro Cobaltum (ISIN: BREBTPACNER4), an innovative and asset diversified cobalt extraction company focused on delivering growth, cash generation and stakeholder rewards, implementing a unique investment and development strategy, today released its Corporate Sustainability Report (CSR), which displays a detailed and transparent account of the company’s policy regarding economic, social and environmental impacts of its operations located in Brazil. The CSR is part of a series of self-reflecting market outlooks that the company is conducteing for a better understanding of its business strengths and weakness.
Pinheiro Cobaltum, as a mining organization, is always preoccupied with developing and implementing best-practice solutions within all hierarchic levels. The CSR puts a high priority on several material subjects that reflect the firm’s most significant areas of impact. These material subjects are grouped into three major chapters: People, Environment, and Dialogue and Relationships.
Pinheiro Cobaltum’s main priority includes operating to achieve production targets in an ethical and sustainable manner by always having a well-trained, highly-motivated and refreshed team. This important principle generated very good results for the firm’s employees as the internal management indicators describe a reduced turnover and absence rates across the board. The firm is also committed to diversification among its workforce therefore it follows a course of premeditated actions to ensure that the pool of staff-members and potential candidates spans the South-American region.
Our prime mission is to create and grow sustainable value for our company and society at large, to meet our stakeholders’ expectations. Our mission guides all of the firm’s environmental and social impact operational control systems and management activities.
Dialogue and Relationships
Our relationships and dialogue prove the firm’s ability to understand the concerns and needs of stakeholders while developing relevant actions and ensure sustainable performance. Pinheiro Cobaltum always strives to devise new local development processes by implementing environmental, cultural, social and financial aspects, in addition to valuing tangible and intangible resources in the areas where we operate.
Marcos Silva, President and Chief Executive Officer of Pinheiro Cobaltum, commented: “The way we approach to Corporate Sustainability encompasses a steadfast commitment to responsible and sustainable mining practices that are the keystone values installed in our culture guiding everything we do. We strive to build strong relationships in our communities and continuously work to improve our safety practices to protect the safety and health of our employees. Bringing to minimum our impact on the environment is an important priority and our duty. We are also extremely relentless to build trust with all of our stakeholders.”
About Pinheiro Cobaltum (ISIN: BREBTPACNER4)
Pinheiro Cobaltum is an innovative and asset diversified cobalt extraction company focused on delivering growth, cash generation and stakeholder rewards. The firm’s profitability depends on its proven ability to develop and operate its existing and future properties on a competitive, cost effective basis. Pinheiro Cobaltum recognizes the importance of a safe and healthy work environment and is actively developing and implementing procedures, practices, training, and audit protocols across its operations to ensure the highest standards for its activities.