Anjum Khanna – Covid 19 Vaccine’s second dose to be rolled out in India

Posted February 25, 2021 by anjumkhanna

Anjum Khanna – Covid 19 Vaccine’s second dose to be rolled out in India
The first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine began on 16 January and approximately 84,18,553 healthcare and frontline workers received the Covid 19 vaccination.

The first phase of the COVID-19 inoculation drive was designed for health workers for both the government and private sector, along with sanitation workers, border workers, defense forces, police and other paramilitary forces. Recently on 13 February, a second dose was taken all over India and a second dose of 98,111 Kovid-19 vaccine has been received so far.

The government has started giving the second dose of the Covid 19 vaccine to the people, the second dose has been given to those who received the first dose on 16 January. The second dose should be given exactly 28 days after the first dose.

Why is India starting the second dose on February 13?
According to anjum khanna, In India, the second covid-19 vaccine dose has been given after 28 days. Mr. Bhushan was addressing a conference involving top bureaucrats charged with health from all states. Both vaccines approved in India are to be given an additional 28 days according to the rules governing their dosage. Two doses of vaccine is mandatory because Protective levels of antibodies are generally developed two weeks after receiving the 2nd dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

Will COVID 19 vaccine be given to everyone simultaneously explained by Anjum Khanna
Based on the potential availability of vaccines the Government of India has selected the priority groups who will be vaccinated on priority as they are at higher risk. The first group includes healthcare and frontline workers. The second group to receive COVID 19 vaccine will be persons over 50 years of age and persons under 50 years with comorbid conditions.

Healthcare and frontline workers are among the first group of people to be vaccinated in the country because ders have led the battle against COVID 19 from the front. The second group to receive covid 19 will be older adults and is divided into two sub groups. One subgroup is 60 years and above, they will be vaccinated first. Second subgroup is between 50 to 60 years of age, and they will be vaccinated after the first subgroup is covered.

Where do you receive the Vaccination Information?
First download Arogya setu app. Then go to the CoWin section and select the Vaccination Dashboard. It will give you all details of state wise insights such as vaccinated by gender, vaccinated by vaccine, beneficiaries vs vaccinated, sessions planned etc.

Want Covid-19 Vaccine but confused about how to register and where to register?
According to anjum khanna, the CoWin app is not functional yet and if you have downloaded an app from the Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store, it is not going to work. You should avoid downloading such apps or give them access to your personal data. The application is currently in the pre-product phase. It contains data from health officials who will be the first in line to get vaccinated. More than 75 lakh health officials have already registered for it. Currently, ordinary people cannot register for an upcoming vaccine for a coronavirus epidemic because only the authorities currently have access to it. Once the app is up and running, it will have four modules – user admin module, beneficiary registration, vaccination and beneficiary acknowledgment, and status updates. Once live, COWIN will offer three options for app or website registration, including self-registration, personal registration and bulk upload. Its logistics has not been revealed yet. Perhaps the government will organize camps where people can go and officials will get them registered for the vaccine. In addition, surveyors and district administrators will also be able to register multiple beneficiaries.

About Anjum Khanna
Anjum Khanna is an Ayurvedic Consultant. Anjum Khanna has a deep knowledge of curing all types of chronic diseases, particularly in neuromuscular diseases, joint disorders, disc prolapse, skin diseases and lung, intestine, liver and kidney diseases, Obesity treatment, infertility treatment, Suvarnaprashan for children, Treatments for Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Joint ailments of all types, Spondylosis, Paralysis treatment, Gynecological problems, Ayurvedic antenatal care, postnatal care, diet counselling, lifestyle disorders like Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension. Piles, fissure treatment, are carried out.
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Last Updated February 25, 2021