After you are ware of the choices that you have, then you will be playing a completely different ballgame and there will no longer be a need to seem needy since you know that you have all the choice sin the world when it comes to girls you can date.
Try Out Fractionation. This technique is a bit advanced and is stolen from the field of hypnosis. Through fractionation, you can have the power to make any girl fall for you in only 15 minutes. By sending a girl on an emotional rollercoaster, you can make her beg for your affections after she anchors her pleasure states to you. As a result, she will often do anything you ask her to do.
The fractionation formula is based on hypnosis, but you do NOT need to be well versed in hypnotherapy to pull it off successfully. In fact, guys who have absolutely no experience in using hypnosis with women are known to be able to get super amazing results using this formula. Highly powerful stuff!