Asthma & Allergy Care Center is renowned for treating asthma and allergy patients in New Jersey. We specialized in adult and pediatric allergy and asthma. Also we are dedicated to provide compassionate, high quality medical care to the patients of all ages. We start treating our patients after asking relevant questions in concern to their allergies and asthma.
Symptoms of Allergies or Asthma that many people experience include:
• Chronic sinus infections, nasal congestion or breathing difficulties
• Hay fever or other allergy symptoms for few months
• Failure in controlling antihistamines even after medications
• Find difficulties in carrying on day-to-day activities
• Decrease the quality of life
• Experiencing warning signs or serious asthma
• Starts struggling to catch your breath
• Experience wheeze or cough, especially at night or after exercise
• Start feeling short breath or tightness in your chest
• Already a patient of asthma or have frequent asthma attacks even after asthma medication
An allergic reaction may occur in any phase of life and anywhere in the body but generally appears in the nose, eyes, lungs, lining of the stomach, sinuses, throat and skin. Actually these are the places where special immune system cells are positioned to fight off trespassers that are inhaled, swallowed or reach in contact with the skin.
Since allergies can affect the skin and cause discomfort, skin allergy specialist can develop a personalized treatment plan to sack symptoms. Generally, during an intradermal test, the allergist injects a small amount of purified allergen extract into the skin of your arm to know the root cause of the problem.
At Asthma & Allergy Care Center, we pay concern over open lines of communication in our practice and hence prefer to communicate with our primary care physician about our treatment and recommendations. We make sure to help patients participate in daily activities at work, school or sports without allergy or asthma getting in the way. We also ensure that our asthma and allergies may not cause interference with sleep. Our staff also works as a team and pay concern over all patients. Our allergy specialist doctors take pride in providing a caring environment and building a strong relationship with the clients.
Whether you want to schedule an appointment or collect any sort of information about our services, do care to browse our website Connect with our expert immunologist for quality preventive care and avail safe, convenient, and low-cost option for medical attention and services.
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