Hair transplantation is a major procedure that is performed for effective hair results. When men or a women notice excessive hair fall, bald patches, receding hair line or any other sign of hair loss than it is a sign that hair transplantation is required. When you are pretty sure of going for hair transplantation you must only select hair clinic in Ahmedabad for better results.
Hair transplantation is an advanced hair procedures that involve extraction of hair follicles from the hair bearing areas using a special instruments. The donor area is then closed after this the extracted hair are then carefully transplanted to bald areas to achieve hair growth. This is a procedure that involves stitches and healing period in almost all the cases and thus doctor suggest pre operative care to the hair loss patient. So as to recover fast and get desired results within time you must follow these instructions.
The post operative care instruction may vary from doctor to doctor and patient to patient but this are very necessary otherwise you may be prone to several problems. When you go for best hair transplant in Ahmedabad clinic then the doctor at the clinic suggest only best and appropriate post operative care suggestions.
Post operative instructions immediately after the surgery:
1. Wait for the procedure to get completed.
2. Please arrange someone to drive you till home.
3. Positively visit the clinic three days after the surgery as washing of head is necessary on the third day.
4. Only use mild shampoos for washing your head after the surgery.
5. Avoid physical exercises, weight lifting etc. for 6 weeks after the surgery.
6. Continue to wear head bands and suggested accessories for at least 7 days after the surgery.
7. Please give proper time for healing and recovery.
Post operative instruction in initial week after the surgery:
1. As after the surgery the transplanted hairs do fall so be prepared.
2. Only use gentle hands over the head to wash the head.
3. Avoid scalp message for at least 7 days.
4. Little numbness and stitches recovery is normal in this week so need not to worry.
5. Avoid using harsh shampoos, conditioners or soaps for few days after the surgery.
Hair transplantation is a surgical process and thus it requires recovery time. In some cases doctor suggest certain doses of medications to be taken after the surgery. For speedy recovery and desired results never avoid this medication. Also remember that you must only take the medication as suggested by your hair expert; never take any medicine without consulting your doctor as they may have adverse effects.
All this post operative care instructions are suggested by your doctor so that you may recover fast and can see desired results in lesser time. It is obvious that the better will be the post operative care instruction better will be the results. Thus consult best hair doctors in Ahmedabad for better transplantation and care.
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