Barnacle Busters is a trusted yacht maintenance service provider company located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. They are offering their quality services in the regions Palm Beach, Broward and Martin counties. Their services are available 24/7 and customers can call them anytime to get services during emergency situations. They have fully-trained and professional workers to serve the vehicle right at your dock or marina.
Boat Bottom Cleaning
Boat bottom cleaning is one of the important services offered in this company. Running a boat without cleaning it for a prolonged period caused an excess drag, more vibrations in the propeller and decrease the efficiency rate of fuel. To prevent this and run the boat at optimum condition, it is necessary to clean a boar at least once in a month. Barnacle Busters offers this service in two ways. They are:
- Monthly Powerboat Underwater Cleaning Service
- Monthly Sailboat Diving Cleaning Service
Monthly Powerboat Underwater Cleaning Service
This monthly powerboat underwater cleaning service is performed in three steps called running gear, waterline and hull. The running gear is to prevent the formation of barnacles in the boat hull. In this, the propellers, shafts, struts, trim tabs, transducers, and zinc are cleaned. The damaged items are repaired or replaced with new items. Second, the waterline is cleaned because it is the place where the formation of algae occurs. Finally, the whole boat body is cleaned in the third step.
Monthly Sailboat Diving Cleaning Service
This is a simplified form of powerboat underwater cleaning service. In this, only major services are done and performed in two steps called running gear and hull. In running gear, only the important parts like propellers, shaft and transducers are cleaned. In the hull, the entire boat from the top of the boot stripe to bottom of the keel will be cleaned.
About Barnacle Busters
Barnacle Busters is a specialized underwater boat cleaning and maintenance service started in the year 1983, by Lou Daniello Jr. With boat bottom cleaning as their main services other services they offer are propeller repair, prop speed application, underwater yacht maintenance and zinc replacement. All these services in their company are done by well-trained professionals. They guarantee that every service by barnacle buster will improve the boat speed, fuel efficiency, no vibrations and easy handling. For more details about boat bottom cleaning, visit their website at
10456 Riverside Dr.
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
Phone: +1 561 625 4484