Find Out Why Hard Drive Destruction Is So Vital
Industry leader explains the importance of taking care of outdated hardware
Are you aware of the immense risks your business is taking when you don’t take care to destroy your outdated hard drives securely? There are several reasons why hard drive destruction has become such a controversial topic over recent years. One of the is that if you don’t take care to destroy your used hardware, you put your entire business in a vulnerable position, not only losing the trust of your clients but also facing criminal offence charges. It is why the trusted team at Bell Integration has opted to add this service to their already diverse range of service solutions.
“When you discard your company’s old hard drives irresponsibly, you have no idea what is happening to them once they leave your hands. Over recent years, cybercrime became much more prevalent and as hackers are far more advanced in their capabilities today than ever before, they have the skills to extract data from your hard drives even when you’ve deleted it all. Thus, it has become a regulation that businesses need to put the correct measures in place to ensure that their data and that of their clients remain secure, even after they’ve gotten rid of this old equipment,” says Peter White, the chief architect at Bell Integration.
White then further expands on how some companies opt to keep all their old hard drives in storage. He highlights that not only does this take up valuable and often expensive office storage, but it also leaves room for security breaches. “If there is data on these devices, it can be extracted and land in the wrong hands. Neglecting to take care of hard drive destruction is now legally required by authorities and not doing it can result in heavy fines,” White states.
Their team of experts can do a complete data extraction to give you the confidence that your company security is not left to chance. Bell Integration has all the necessary certification in place as they are compliant with all regulations stipulated by local privacy laws. Thus, taking the responsibility off your shoulders while giving your clients confidence in your ability to keep their data secure.
“Our team relies on several advanced techniques to ensure that there is no information left on your hard drives before we destroy it in such a manner that it keeps you safe and so that it doesn’t end up where it can harm the environment,” White concludes about their trusted service delivery.
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The focus of our team has always been to provide exceptional service in the form of consultancy in the IT industry. However, it is partially what we have to offer as our range of service solutions are far more diverse and comprehensive. Our company identity is one where we are always working to be the best in our field and we are always working towards being just that on a global scale. It is this mission that drives us forward every day. It is why we would like you to visit our website at or contact us via phone or emailand see how our team are always moving forward to find the solutions you need.