The new versions are more comprehensive than previous versions and are worthy of being called "dragon". The end of the chapter has a level 500 Rorgon. Rorgon is a dragonkin. He, Wyvoch, and Nesazi are the three you saw at the end of While Guthix Sleeps. Rorgon is in a multicombat zone which is why you must bring your buddies. Instead of dying the teleporter disappears and drops things in the dirt when his health has gone.
I've been wishing that I can post this suggestion to runescape directly however... I am a non-member however I am a free player. This is an idea that is available to everyone RC members. Are you seeking an easier way to boost your stats once you've completed all your member's quests or free quests?
My idea is the idea of a skill-based side-quest. These side-quests are free and can only be used when you finnished every free quest: Cooking, Crafting, Fishing, Firemaking Mining, Prayer, Rangeing, Runecrafting and Smithing Woodcutting. These member side-quest are only available only when you have reached certain quest points (this will depend to the Runescape Staff): Agility, Construction, Farming, Fletching Herblore, Slayer Summoning, Thieving...
Example of a side-quest The quest is completed. your free quest, and you're at a low prayer level and are having the most difficult time obtain giant bones due to other players. At the Monastery, there will be an ordained monk who will aid you.
He offers you a random side-quest for prayer that asks you to cleanse the river arround the white knights castle; You must get multiple ingredients from various locations like the mystical cabage located in Draynor's Mansion Garden.
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