It's been two months since we announced the Kebos Lowlands and the team have been hard at work to have everything finished ready for its release on the January 10th!On October 6th, as part of the Old School RuneScape reveals section during RuneFest, we announced the Kebos Lowlands - a new region to the west of Kourend that is home to the Farming Guild and Mount Karuulm, bringing with it many varieties of rs 2007 gold content such as; Aerial Fishing, a new Slayer master and Slayer creatures, two new quests and a whole new Achievement Diary!
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Since then the team have been hard at work, ensuring Kebos is at its absolute best for when it releases. This blog will detail some of the work individual members of the team have been doing on the project.Mods Kieren, Munro and Ed are the main content developers for Kebos Lowlands. Kieren talked us through the content development work that he and the others have been doing...
What's your overall involvement in the project/what responsibilities do you have?
I essentially have two roles in this project. Firstly, I am one of the main developers working directly in the Kebos Lowlands Project team, meaning that I'm implementing many of the new features you'll be able to play soon. Secondly, I am the "Project Team Owner". This takes a fairly significant proportion of my time, but the role is vital to the project's success.
This project is complicated. It has many moving parts and a fairly large core team working on different things at the same time. We have; 3 main developers, 1 Quality Assurance Analyst, 4 Artists and 2 Audio Designers now working on the project. This is just the core development team - many people from within the Old School team itself and from elsewhere in the business are also integral parts of the project.
For the development of this project, the team operates using a framework called Scrum; ensuring that Scrum is adhered to is one of my core responsibilities. In layman's terms, we essentially work in 2-week work planning cycles. At the end of each cycle we look back on what we've done, take feedback on board, discuss what we can do better as a development team, and then we plan the work we wish to commit to for the next 2-week cycle. In Scrum, those set work cycles are called sprints - and we choose to do them every 2 weeks.
Overall, progress for the project is also a key part of my role as the Project Team Owner. With such a large update, hitting the release date is vital. We have a marketing team who are gearing up and planning campaigns, and any delay has a knock-on effect. By monitoring a score called "Velocity", we can make projections about when we expect to get through all of the work required for the project. This score, Velocity, is a measure of how much work is being completed each sprint. If we're completing 100 story points every 2 weeks on average, and we have 300 story points remaining, we would make the reasonable projection of saying we'll likely to be done in 3 sprints (or 6 weeks) time from now.
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