As a payment gateway, your company has severely let us down.
We have been loyal customers for over a year, put our faith, trust and money into your business and what have we received in return? Poor service, incessant lies and victim blaming.
I run a company that sells construction material and instruments across Canada, and it was my mistake to use Stripe as our primary payment pathway. It is so evident that you lure in customers through your misleading marketing campaigns and you deliver service way short of what is promised.
Your slogan, ‘Stripe is the best software platform for running an internet business. We handle billions of dollars every year for forward-thinking businesses around the world. ‘ hides the fact that Stripe is a hub for individuals with stolen credit cards, fake IDs and disputes that remain unresolved. Stripe’s payment gateway is helpless and facilitates fraudulent transactions, all while keeping it’s loyal customers in the dark and conveniently passing on the liability. My question to you is: Why does Stripe charge for services it simply cannot deliver? Why is Stripe hiding the fact that it partakes in fraudulent transactions? Why is Stripe targeting its loyal customers?
In our case, we completed everything that was necessary for the fulfillment process. I have outlined this process for you:
1. Order Generation: An online order was generated from our website. My company focuses on selling branded construction tools, the same ones sold by Home Depot and several other sites.
2. Payment Confirmation: We received a Stripe confirmation on a legitimate transaction, with a Stripe ID on the transaction itself.
3. Order Re-Verification: Our team called and verified based on the order details provided by Stripe. This was an extra safety step we initiated on our own. The number and address was verified in each case before the shipment was made.
4. Generate Shipment Receipt: A customer invoice (print copy) was generated
5. Preparing the Shipment: The shipment was prepared for the delivery service. This was done at a delay of 3-5 days from the initial transaction process.
6. Courier Manifest: The shipment was picked and courier manifest was filed for the address verified on the order and confirmed by the Stripe Payment Gateway.
7. Delivery Receipt: The confirmation of receiving of package was received.
The above steps took 5 to 7 days and during this period there were NO red flags raised by Stripe. We believed everything was going smoothly.
We were wrong.
May I ask, what is the possible responsibility that my company has to take when this process was completely facilitated by Stripe? Stripe should be held liable of the payment processing methods, I mean why else do you charge a fee per transaction? It is Stripe’s responsibility to inform us about any and ALL red flags in order to prevent any fraudulent transactions from taking place. What your company has failed to do is to process all the payments and to highlight all the disputed transactions, even though it is clearly quoted in your terms of service which I have outlined below. Whose fault is this? This is due to negligence from Stripe and now the burden is on my company to repay all of our disputed funds. What’s better is that Stripe now wants us to ‘take our business elsewhere!’ Unbelievable.
Quoted below is the terms of usage that states all of the above mentioned:
From your terms of usage para: d. Fraud Risk:
your Stripe Account, unless such losses result from Stripe’s willful or intentional actions. Further, you will fully reimburse us for any losses we incur that result from the use of lost or stolen credentials or accounts.
We may also provide you with Data regarding the possibility or likelihood that a Transaction may be fraudulent. We may incorporate any subsequent action or inaction by you into our fraud model, for the purpose of identifying future potential fraud. You understand that we provide this Data to you for your consideration, but that you are ultimately responsible for any actions you choose to take or not take in relation to such Data.
Fastening House Atlantic is looking for a complete refund of its $13,738.40 CAD from Stripe within one business week. If Stripe fails to do so, we will have no option but to turn all our effort and energy towards claiming those funds. We live in an #MeToo era and social media has given everyone enough power to take up a just cause. It is time Stripe’s multi-layered terms of usage and privacy policy is scrutinized the same way Facebook’s was. It all starts from a small trigger point!
We have taken the responsibility of shortlisting where we will voice our disputes. In our opinion, Stripe harbours fraudulent credit cards and all merchants, people looking to sell online and e-commerce startups should be aware of this. We have already gathered all of our transaction trial and will simply to call and email our sources in a variety of media channels about the scam Stripe is facilitating.
Media Outlets
● News Talk 1010
● 680 News
● Toronto Star
Reviews from all our customers about Stripe
● Google
● Better Business Bureau
● Blog Site for victims of Stripe
● Stripe’s Twitter Page
● Stripe Facebook Page
We will further complain to the following agencies:
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments
Small Claims Court-Halifax and Ontario
Please note that our objective here to safeguard our hard earned revenues. We are not interested in any further claim even though the time, effort and nuisance this has caused adds up to much more.
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