Women today have a number of surgical and non-invasive treatment options for tightening their vaginas. Among the foremost options you can consider is vaginoplasty. Often, women combine the procedure with labiaplasty to enhance the appearance and feel of the vagina. All these treatments fall under the umbrella of ‘vaginal rejuvenation’. However, some experts believe that women who don’t necessarily require these treatments often opt for surgery. Thus, it’s important that you can make an informed decision. Here are some factors to consider before you opt for the surgery:
Bladder Health
This surgery is among the most effective treatments for a prolapsed bladder. Tighter vaginal muscles go a long way towards keeping your pelvis stable, and if they are loose or saggy, it may cause the bladder to move into the vagina. Often, doctors suggest that patients undergo vaginoplasty to restore the bladder to its correct position. Do note that if you have a mild bladder condition, you might not necessarily have to opt for an invasive treatment. Therefore, consult your surgeon about your need to undergo this surgery.
Vaginal Muscles
Even women who don’t have a prolapsed bladder can have slackened vaginal muscles. In their case, the muscles become weak and that puts them at risk of medical problems. For instance, incontinence is a common outcome of weak vaginal muscles. To prevent the problems from exacerbating, the doctor might recommend that you go under the knife. There are several reasons why your vaginal muscles might weaken, including childbirth and surgery complications. If you are experiencing any discomfort in the vagina or incontinence, you should talk to your doctor about the option of surgery.
Sexual Satisfaction
Women with weak vaginal muscles often have trouble reaching an orgasm or don’t enjoy complete sexual satisfaction. This can negatively affect your sex drive, even causing you to lose interest in your partner over time. Opting for vaginoplasty gives you the chance to derive greater sexual satisfaction, as your muscles will contract effectively during intercourse. Keep in mind that increased sexual satisfaction is often not the reason why women opt for this surgery. Rather, the surgery is a treatment for other conditions, and the pleasure they gain from sex becomes a positive side effect.
These are some factors you need to consider before you opt for vaginoplasty. Keep in mind that with time, the surgery is becoming safer and the recovery period is shorter as well. With a little care and caution, you can stave off potential side effects, thereby improving your overall quality of life in the process.