Previous studies have shown that signature penotypes of human diabetic induced pluripotent stem cells taken from endothelial cells have impaired mitochondrial function when compared to healthy cells. Current studies are aiming to assess the role of Thymosin Beta 4 on the endothelial function.
The study used dia-hiPSC-Ecs as models for endothlial dysfunction to determine how Thymosin Beta 4 effected cell proliferation, cyto-protection and protein expression of inter cellular adhesion molecule 1. It was studied to identify if it could be a potential treatment for ischemic limb disease in mouse models with type 2 diabetes.
It was identified that Thymosin Beta 4 at 600ng/ml up-regulated AKT activity and protein expression, enhancing dia-hiPSC-EC viability, along with proliferation and senescence. At the same time this peptide did not improve mitrochondrial membrane potential or glycine homeostatis. As a result, it was identified that the peptide improved endothelial dysfunction by enhancing the viability of hiPSC-EC and reducing senscence, along with endothelin 1 production, improving the angiogenic potency in diabetes.
Vascular endothelial cells are essential in maintaining cardiovascular homeostatis through cell adhesion and vascular tone. Hyperglycemia results in endothelial activation, senescence and dysfunction, which cause complications in diabetic patients. Studies have found that human induced pluripotent stem cells taken from type 2 diabetic patients had disrupted glycine homeostatis with reduced cell proliferation and impaired mitochondrial function.
“Thymosin Beta 4 is a peptide that has forty three amino acids. It is the most abundant of the thymosin peptide family in mammal tissues. It is also seen as the main G-actin sequestering peptide,” said a spokesperson at Blue Sky Peptide. “Thymosin Beta 4 is known to promote wound healing and tissue repair. It promotes dermal healing, corneal wound healing, while improving heart function after a myocardial infarction.”
There is very little information on Thymosin Beta 4 on diabetic EC's. The study found that this peptide provided beneficial effects in diabetic mouse models, improving glucose intolerance and reducing insulin resistance.
The demand for this peptide in scientific vitro studies is increasing as it shows great potential benefits to diabetic patients in the future. Currently there are thirty seven million diabetic patients in the United States alone, making these studies valuable.
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