Deaths from drug and alcohol use have increased over the past year. Finding the support you need to stop using drugs and alcohol might appear challenging at times. Everybody follows a different road to recovery. For this reason, court-ordered measures toward rehabilitation frequently start with an alcohol and drug evaluation marietta.
If you just received a recommendation to have an alcohol and drug evaluation, you may be unsure of what to anticipate. What procedures make up a drug and alcohol assessment?
A court-ordered rehabilitation program frequently begins with an alcohol and drug evaluation. You can be compelled to do an alcohol and drug examination if, for instance, you got a DUI or failed a drug or alcohol test at work.
An alcohol and drug evaluation’s goal is to determine the type of substance misuse you engage in. This makes it possible for your drug addiction specialist to decide the appropriate course of action for recovery or substance use management.
Drug and alcohol examinations take a close look at the extent of drug usage in order to diagnose the problem and offer treatment suggestions.
An assessment will look at the following:
Utilized substance class
Dose applied
Use frequency
This will make it easier for the assessor to provide a complete picture of the history of alcohol or drug usage.
These alcohol and drug evaluation atlanta can also aid in painting a clearer picture of the overall situation of the substance user as well as the level of their usage.
Drug and alcohol testing can also direct treatment professionals to the best course of action for the specific problem at hand.
Evaluations often involve these two fundamental elements:
Screening: During the preliminary screening phase, the evaluation’s investigator looks into whether an issue is there. Evaluation’s analytical step is known as the assessment. Identifying the issue’s nature is the aim. At this point, drug testing is frequently necessary.
Follow-up: When therapy or counseling is necessary, a follow-up appointment is set up. The findings of the screening and subsequent evaluation will determine whether or not this appointment goes forward. Checking on the person’s progress is the goal of the follow-up.
Referral: The person may get a recommendation for a treatment program, treatment facility, or counselor at the final stage of a drug and alcohol evaluation. The outcome of the aforementioned evaluation processes will also have an impact on this recommendation.
Consider this interaction with a doctor as a chance to learn more about addiction rather than seeing a drug and alcohol evaluation as a frightening imposition. An alcohol and drug evaluation marietta of this kind can also be used to make sure you have access to the skills and resources you need to become clean and stay sober.
An alcohol and drug evaluation atlanta must frequently be completed in order to comply with court mandates or resume employment. The is here to assist if you have recently been given an alcohol and drug evaluation. Their drug abuse specialists are there to assist you in beginning your recovery journey right now.