Recent discoveries revealed the importance of sleep in human's life. It is astonishing how big is the influence of sleep over the rest of a human's life. The quality of your sleep will decide the quality of your results. The higher the quality of your sleep the higher your results will be. Why? Because you will be able to focus much better, your memory will work more efficiently, and you will be able to concentrate much better for longer periods of time. This is just one of the reasons for which you need a good single mattress which is able to improve all the benefits brought by sleep. In this article, you will find that a mattress made from a memory foam mattress is your best alternative.
You could separate a human's life in three parts:
- Work. Most people use more than 8 hours each day to work. Either by having a job or a business, daily tasks at home, and the time used to learn new skills. In this period, your body and especially your brain will use the largest amount of energy.
- Relaxation. This is the part in which the body and the mind can relax. Most people take relax during pauses and some hours before going to sleep. Your sleep will also affect this part of your life.
- Sleep. Most people spend 1/3 of their life sleeping. But what many people do not understand is the fact the quality of the sleep is much more important than the time spend doing it. This means that if you sleep 5 hours in a deep state it will be much more beneficial for you, then sleeping 8 hours in a shallow state. This is why you need to choose your mattress carefully.
How to Choose the Right Single Mattress for You?
The process of choosing a single mattress is made in a hurry by the majority. By doing this they do not take the necessary time to consider how much can this decision affect the rest of their life. You should consider your options carefully.
There are many types of mattresses on the market, but you should only consider three of them for your sleep:
- Spring mattress. Depending on the quality, this type of mattress can have some high-end benefits, but, only if the number of springs used is extremely big. Most of the time, a spring bed will have the minimum requirement of springs. This will not be enough to equally share the pressure on the body and will generally result in morning aches.
- Foam mattress. There are many types of foam used in mattresses nowadays and many of them come close to the level of a memory foam mattress. But for the time being, memory foam remains the best material used to make mattresses.
- Air/Water mattress. These types of mattresses are mainly used as a luxury, especially the water types, which were used as such for a long period of time. Air beds, on the other hand, are a very good alternative when you go on trips in nature.
How Did the First Memory Foam Mattress Appear and Why Is it so Beneficial?
Memory foam appeared firstly as a safety material for the aircrafts cushions used by NASA. Later, when the material entered the market, it was used mostly in the medial industry and it slowly made the transition to become the best material used in mattresses. Nowadays, a memory foam mattress is the best option you have.
This material is so beneficial because it helps your body to relax better, it takes the shape of your body and its sensitivity to the temperature of your body and the rest of the room. For these reasons, it helps your body to heal better during the night. This not only means wound that you could have made during the day but also cell damage that inevitably happens.
A normal single mattress, made from spring or other such materials will place pressure on certain joints of your body and this will force your brain to focus more on the damage provoked by that pressure than on the rest of your body. Memory foam also has other benefits, like making it easier for you to enter e deep state of sleep which will help your mind enormously. Not only will you feel much better in the morning but your mental capabilities will be enhanced through these deep state sleeping periods.