Since deadman mode released, the number of it’s fans increases continuously. Now there are over 20,000 players logging in deadman mode every day. In order to keep the long term health of deadman mode, Jagex will add seasonal deadman mode worlds to deadman in April 2016. What will happen in the seasonal deadman? Now let’ see the details. And if you feel like buying cheap rs deadman gold, rs3gold can be a nice choice.
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(3.1-3.31 )
Seasonal Deadman Worlds Will Be Added to Deadman Mode
Each seasonal servers will last 3 months and the current Deadman Mode servers will continue, thus you can keep playing Deadman Mode and your progress will not be wiped during the season. In addition, the additional rules of each season will be decided by community. If you have good ideas about the Deadman Mode Seasonal servers, you can send it to deadman team. Maybe your suggestions will be adopted in the season.
Win $10,000 in Deadman Mode Season Tournament
The first Deadman Mode Season Tournament will take place at the end of March 2016. Those players who are in the top 5,000 of the current Deadman Mode highscores at that time are the only players who will be invited to join it. Deadman Mode Seasonal Tournament will run for 4 days, and the winner of the tournament will win $10,000. Without doubt, which is very alluring for every rs players. So remember to try your best to gain high score in deadman mode.
Seasonal deadman mode definitely is a good idea, which will make deadman mode more interesting! And if you would like to win $10,000 in Deadman Mode Season Tournament, ensure to gather rs deadman gold to gain high score. But where to get cheap deadman gold fast? You can visit rs3gold, which is a 100% safe rs deadman online store. And you are able to get your rs deadman gold very quickly.
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