13th July 2018 – uExchange.net is pleased to present their decentralized exchange platform for cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency exchange allows traders to trade their cryptocurrencies and other digital currencies for various assets. In simple terms, the exchange works as intermediary between the cryptocurrency buyers and sellers.
Many platforms have transaction fees, funds transfers fees along with currency conversion fees (which depend on the currencies which are accepted by the cryptocurrency exchange). uExchange.net is a full automated platform that is API ready and is designed to meet the trading needs of novices as well as seasoned crypto holders. The platform is hosted on multiple dedicated services that are fully secured. It is easy to login with just a Google account and no need of creating a separate account. The fully automated trading engine is powered with Pusher service. The platform also have remote servers for coin wallets and database; and reports with full statistics and graphs.
With just a one-time default wallet withdrawal fee, the traders need not pay any further fees for withdrawing. There are no deposit fees and the trading fee is just 0.15%. The platform offers promotional materials for listed coins and secret codes for coin developers. The first listed coins on uExchange are BTC, LTC, DASH, KONA, ZER, XDNA, AZART, LUQ and MBYT. The pairs currently available are BTC and LTC. There is an ongoing coin listing promotion where the first 5 coins will be listed for free. The coins need to have a strong community and must be at least 2 months old.
To know more visit http://uexchange.net