Many people are unaware of their rights to injury compensation. While this is good for insurance companies, it leaves people who have suffered car accident injuries or who are on work injury compensation short in an economic sense.
Missing out on compensation for those who suffer car accident injuries or claim work injury compensation because of work injuries, may not consider the future when dealing with an insurance company i.e. Allianz, GIO or WorkCover.
When an injury is serious or permanent it can have major repercussions for an individual and their families in both the short and long term. It is important the people are made aware of their legal rights and think ahead or they may miss out on car injury compensation that legally and rightfully belongs to them.
Compensation for car accident injuries
Car accident injuries are common following an accident. If an injury has occurred to a driver, passenger or pedestrian they may be entitled to injury compensation. If car accident injuries happened on the way to or from work, the individual may also be entitled to work injury compensation as per no win no fee Compsation lawyer Canberra.
Injured in a car accident what to do
If you have been injured in a car accident what to do first is seek medical attention. Even if you don’t think your injury is bad, a doctor needs to examine you. Quite often people think they are ok following a car accident only to suffer a relapse after. This is particularly important for head injuries but any injury really ought to be examined properly.
Claiming compensation after car accident
Claiming compensation after car accident can often be a bit of an ordeal. Insurance companies are not wanting to payout maximum amounts. To avoid the stress of it all you can contact compensation injury lawyers Canberra who will assist with your injury compensation claim.
Common law payouts
Where there is negligence and it can be clearly defined there may be common law payouts that can be claimed.
Work injury damages
If you are on work injury compensation and your work injury happened due to someone else’s negligence, you may also be entitled to work injury damages known as common law payouts. This is a claim outside of statutory work injury compensation and you may require the services of personal injury lawyers Canberra or no win no fee lawyers Canberra to prepare, negotiate and settle your compensation injury claim. Remember compensation is your legal right! Find out your rights today.