For Companies:
These are different times. We are all living under the shadow of this pandemic which has grappled the world. It will take some time for us to fend this challenge off, and get back to normal. Till then, we can play our role by staying safe!
Call only those employees who are needed in the office. Those who can work from home, can continue staying at home, working, and safe!
Less number of employees will cut on the crowd. Make sure their transport – may it be a cab or a bus, is following the norms of social distancing. So are the lifts, and internal places in the company.
Keep the offices equipped with hand sanitizers. Make the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like masks, a mandatory for employees.
Be digital, as much as possible and avoid human contact – including touching the doors, meetings in a small space, and adjacent cubicles.
Kitchens, canteens must be sanitised from time to time, and the employees working in kitchen, housekeeping need to have PPEs. Following the protocol will just make everyone’s life much better!
Few simple steps like this, and everything will be just fine. A healthy employee is an efficient employee. Embrace the ways of cleanliness, and safety. Safety First!
Be safe, Be Healthy, and Be Productive!
For Employees:
We are stuck at home, and we can’t wait to get back to our office. Meeting our colleagues, sharing those tiffins, our daily coffee time together, and yes, gossip! After a long and arduous wait, we may be able to get back to the office. But before we do, we must understand that the pandemic is still out there and we are fighting it. How can we do both – going to office and be safe?
Simple! Follow these simple rules and you’ll be doing both the things, well!
Be patient and follow the company protocols of going to the office. If you are car pooling or using the company transport, make sure that social distancing guidelines are followed.
Replace the ‘high fives’, ‘pat on a back’ with… signals, symbolic gestures and… digital high fives!
Take your meals with distancing measures. Maybe share those tiffins with… little extra caution! Use masks, gloves, and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), keep the physical contact at minimum. Even at doors, and other places, if possible, don’t touch! Always keep a sanitizer with you.
Work from home, attend the meetings online if possible. Don’t rush to office if there is no such mandate or need. Assess your own situation wisely!
Maybe cut down on those water cooler talks, and gossip!
Following these simple, but efficient steps will help us fight this pandemic and get everything back to normal – and have all the fun of working together back again!
Be vigilent! Be a model employee and follow the protocols. Remember, safety first! Be Safe! Be Healthy! Be Productive!