Pear jam is a delicious way to preserve pears for year-round use. Packed with flavor, this homemade pear jam recipe makes a thick jam naturally without added pectin.
Vegan cheese is a category of non-dairy, plant-based cheese analogues. Vegan cheeses range from soft fresh cheeses to aged and cultured hard grateable cheeses like plant-based Parmesan.
Normal cell Antioxidants from plant materials are primarily polyphenols (phenolic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, lignans and stilbenes), carotenoids (xanthophylls and carotenes) and nutrients (vitamin E and C).
Protein smoothie are usually made with frozen fruit/ice, a protein source such as protein powder, and a liquid. Protein smoothie promote muscle gain and improve performance and recovery.
Egg noodles' healthful substance is like that of standard pasta however marginally lower in calories, carbs, and protein. Egg noodles contain a lot of calories for every serving, with roughly 221 calories in each cooked cup (160 grams).