2x RP is almost here, and if you didn't know it before, now you do! What better way to prepare for this by hording as many Enchantments & Runestones as you possibly can. This weekend, 2x Enchantments & Runestones is back on and ready for the crowd!
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Double Enchantment and Runestones Starts: Thursday, November 17 at 7:30AM PT (or after maintenance)
Double Enchantment and Runestones Ends: Monday, November 21 at 7:30AM PT
With all of the amazing Enchantment and Runestones available in Neverwinter, this weekend will be the best opportunity to upgrade your weapon or your last piece of armor! Mark your calendars, adventurers.
Icewind Dale: If players donate currencies to their Stronghold coffer while on the quest, The Long Night, they are now able to progress by returning the next day to complete daily quests.Storm King's Thunder: Fishing nodes no longer get into a non-interactive state when players take certain actions.
Future Events
Challenge of the Gods: The event text now explicitly states an item's binding type if it doesn't match the default state for the item.
Items and Economy
The tooltip for the uncommon-quality Ostorian Trowel has been updated for clarity.
There is now a limit to the number of unclaimed items a player may have in their mail. Once this limit is reached, the player may no longer post items up for auction until they claim items from their mail.
Existing items in mail are unchanged, and can still be viewed and claimed.
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