“The Blackdagger Bandits are ruthless when it comes to raiding ships for their cargo. Smugglers in that area get hit especially hard…not that I would know since I’m definitely not a smuggler…” – Nali Hexthorne, Definitely Not a Smuggler
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Like a cannonball through the side of a merchant’s galleon, the Call to Arms: Storm the Keep event has returned to Neverwinter with a bang! Malus Blackdagger and his roguish band of mariners have been ransacking ships along the Sword Coast for too long and it’s time to show them how we deal with pirates on the Sword Coast...repeatedly!
Let the storming begin on: Thursday, December 1 at 7:30AM for PC and 10AM for console
The bandits will leave on: Monday, December 5 at 7:30AM for PC and 10AM for console (the event vendor will remain at the dais for a few days afterwards)
The brave adventurers that bring Captain Blackdagger to justice will be able to raid the Blackdagger coffers, earning them some plunder worthy of mermaid’s kiss! Among these items are the green-quality Swashbuckler Companion and Brutal Enchantments!
Check out some of the rewards that await those brave enough to answer the Call to Arms:
For the duration of the event, players can also find a suped-up version of the sea-worthy Swashbuckler companion in the Swashbuckler Companion Pack available in the Zen Market. This will include a purple-quality Swashbuckler companion!
Xaliana and her fellow Harpers are also happy to reward the heroes that aid them in their plight.
Damaran Weapon Transmutes - Straight from the Harper armory come the Damaran Weapon Transmutes! The magnificent, maritime-themed items can make your trusty weapon appear ready to take on the high seas!
Completing the Call to Arms: Storm the Keep event will be a battle as violent and turbulent as the high seas themselves! Are you ready to aid Xaliana and her fellow Harpers in taking down Malus Blackdagger?
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