Acupuncture Charlottesville is an important tool in restoring the natural balance of energy of the body and healing a wide range of diseases. It can be used to treat pain, recover after injuries or even heal and relax the mind. When the forces of your body are unbalanced, it is much more difficult to recover, to rest, to warm or cool itself and many other important functions are disturbed. The purpose of this antique form of medicine is to restore the proper balance.
Acupuncture is an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine which uses various methods to stimulate and restore the natural balance of the body. By penetrating the skin in specific points with thin metallic needles, which can also be stimulated electrically, it has been proven that many conditions can be healed. The whole process is painless and there are usually no complications. It has been practiced for thousands of years and its efficiency makes it a much better alternative to medication or other invasive treatments. This form of Chinese medicine Charlottesville is mostly known for inducing the mind and the body in a state of relaxation.
The treatment of acupuncture Charlottesville can vary according to the part of the body that needs to be treated. There are two main theories that explain the way acupuncture works. The ancient one states that everyone has a field of energy that runs inside the body. The purpose of this form of medicine is to rebalance the body whenever this field of energy is disturbed. The modern theory of acupuncture says that it stimulates specific nerves, which releases chemicals that are good for the health of the body. Sometimes, acupuncture Charlottesville can be used to treat mental disorders. Intense emotions, such as depression and anxiety can be healed by using the body. In fact, this is the basic principle of Chinese medicine: the body and the mind are united as one.
When he first starting working with alternative medicine, Robert Clickner specialized in acupuncture Charlottesville. He found his calling when he was in New Mexico, after realizing that working in the educational system was not what he has searching for. His true calling was to help people fight with pain and that is the reason why he didn’t stop with acupuncture. On the contrary, he went further learning martial arts and Chinese medicine Charlottesville to gain more and more knowledge about alternative medicine. Learning bodywork techniques and practicing internal medicine lead him further to opening his own clinic in 2002 in Charlottesville. He is not only treating a large amount of patients, but he is also teaching students to become good curers.
If you have any kind of problem that implies pain, stress, depression, injuries, infections or endocrine dysfunctions, a treatment of acupuncture Charlottesville that goes straight to the roots of your trouble will solve any condition forever. Robert Clickner is the number one expert in Chinese medicine Charlottesville and he will make sure that you will not go through the same suffering again.