Are we complaining about getting exactly the identical game every year but dont accept modifications to NBA 2K21play either? I could see it happening. 2K21 drops. And in november everyones burned out since NBA 2K21 feels like past decades.
I dont think criticising a match is neccesarily a bad thing but can we all at least wait until we have some badges? I want things. I want to adapt to another meta and a gameplay that is new. I'm hoping that they get some nuts and don't fuk with stuff immediately unless it's legit. But who am I kidding. They will do some actual nice changes but the vocal minority will yap and yap and they will ruin it.The problem is, not a single person really said"change the meter." Nobody said alter it, although people said to remove it. Nevertheless, that. As soon as we request a slew of things, and the first thing we get is some thing we did not ask for, I think it's reasonable to be angry.
People today need to realize that at the close of the day, the community doesnt develop and make NBA 2K21. 2K does. What the community says, cries about, asks, DEMANDS even, doesnt mean shit to 2K, they'll do what they wish to do because it is their game, not yours. After the community, who's continually complaining, always continues to buy whatever is discharged year after year, regardless of the blatant disregard by 2K of the communities needs and suggestions, they are the fools for purchasing the precise product they dont want. 2K makes the business decision to discharge what they know the masses are only going to buy. Just when you idiots affect their sales amounts and stop purchasing it, would any company start to do what they're being told is impacting their earnings.
I spoke more in general. I leave or could take the shooter meter. But if you or anyone is angry over something really easy like a shooter meter then that is on you. After playing it for x quantity of time it will be like any other shot meter. Or just turn it off. Back to my original point tho, they will make gameplay adjustments for the better and ppl will complain until it's reverted back into shit. Honestly what a dumb thing to whine about. To everything you need in 20 you may already alter your shot, it's not like you are gonna be forced to use the new one in case you really hate it so bad.
Complain or They're conditioned to hate about any items that were new. It could be steph currys eyebrows being off in a trailer in august and they'd bitch about it. It does not matter to them what it's. 2K as a company has plenty of faults and a number of the community's criticisms are justified but when I see people bitch and moan about small stuff like this all the time it virtually invalidates the component of the community that attempts to give real feedback.
I give match publishers the benefit of the doubt and continue to support them by purchasing their games based on how they behave to support said game or future franchise releases. In the event the publisher pisses me off or constantly ignores the community comments from future releases and patches, I stop supporting them and quit buying or enjoying their matches. They see players, and game sales speak for themselves. I guarantee that if every single individual who cares about NBA 2K21 stopped playing it everyday, and didnt instantly pre-order or buy the following season's copy and paste variant on day 1, they would see a good deal more of their negative feedback which makes it into NBA 2K21. Like the EA/Activision controversy around transactions that are micro, loot boxes, and pay to win. They fixed the issues, and saw their earnings drop.
There are many more I want to tell you, but time is limited. These views and ideas are all from this website, if you are interested, you can browse them in detail. URL: