A questions megathread was asked about before, but it is not something that we see as being a practical solution. Presently, we have Sunday a cycle of regular pinned threads which includes Silly Question. It's only scheduled for biweekly appearances, although this seems to fit that criteria. Runescape isn't as fast or too large as some other subreddits, so it is feasible for users to make new articles to ask questions and receive replies that are sincere without flood or overwhelming our subreddit. Unlike some subreddits that is bigger, it is possible because entry frequency is lower to navigate here.
Creating a megathread for queries can give the impression that users are not allowed to create posts to ask questions about Runescape, which isn't a view that we promote or support. Regrettably, article filtering is not sensible on Reddit for article viewing, therefore it might appear overwhelming for some users to see every post at a subreddit flowing through a single feed.
(Post flairs do somewhat help with this.) This number induces while some reach / hot, some posts to be overlooked, and the vast majority of query posts do not reach hot here since they're seldom upvoted. 1 positive side of not using a megathread is this enables these posts to have the opportunity to be searched for if somebody has a similar query in the future. Searching for articles by title, and searching for remarks on Reddit is difficult may yield helpful results which deters someone from asking. Not to mention, a portion of questions asked may be answered on the RuneScape Wiki, which is frequently referred to in the comments.
The daily quantity of query posts here doesn't appear to represent an overwhelming quantity that would warrant a collection of stickies that are recurring. Perhaps we could raise the frequency of Question Sunday from biweekly to weekly? This also sparks the question of, is the purpose of needing a megathread to further assist players who have queries, or is it to conceal these questions from the view?
Agreed. In addition, I have some ideas concerning the sub moderators: create a bot that replies to any thread with"OSRS" or"oldschool runescape" on the title with a link into the 2007 Runescape sub, so that they are now able to know that there's two RuneScape subs, there is a ton of clueless men and women who post here thinking that is the OSRS sub simply to get mass downvoted. Also please make a bot that replies to some"is this real?","Just got this email" fake email/phishing effort thread, that gives advice on the best way to prevent yourself to fall to malicious links; they need to also forward the fake email to jaghex with the email header info in order that it gets noticed and taken action against.
There are many more I want to tell you, but time is limited. These views and ideas are all from this website, if you are interested, you can browse them in detail. URL: https://www.winrsgold.com/