From a poll, we've seen two questions which directly contradict long-standing JMod statements. To me, this appears to prove that polls undergo no kind of vetting before the site is uploaded. As a community, we ought to be concerned to consistently hear one thing only to see action. Proposed content upgrades need to be assessed for consistency with match direction prior to going 19, and OSRS gold design philosophy. As stakeholders of RuneScape, players will continue to voice their opinions on matters of game integrity, but the concept of a free boss skip (Which the survey blog says"We believe it also compromised the integrity and total equilibrium of their content" about -- Making us question why this overpowered mechanic was suggested in the first place).
Skilling resources coming from also the query and PVM around teleports to supervisors must have been checked off by developers before posting to be certain that the content fit Oldschool Runescape. The following point is in NO WAY intended as any sort of personal attack. Nobody needs to attack our JMods or do anything to harm the connection between gamers and developers. That being said, the"Words from the developer" section from the Boss Slayer Master site are incredibly worrying to me and further highlight the significant demand for this kind of inner consistency. "This will be my first appropriate project. I've been on the Old School team for a few months now and have managed to use elements of my practice on the Poll 71 jobs.".
A new JMod with a love for bossing is given free reign. In the proposal we see an entire disregard for stances relating to match design/design doctrine for Oldschool Runescape that aren't addressed before highly negative reactions are received from players. Amount of time spent with the provider any suggested content update should be checked by the staff to ensure that nothing damaging enters RuneScape and consistency will be upheld. I'm not alone in believing that a Boss Slayer Master has the real potential to upend the whole tank and meta the economy and I believe that the ideal method to take care of the situation is to scrap the poll and begin. Don't consider this as an attack against Mod Arcane -- I think we can all take this situation as a learning experience.
As a community, we will need to ask these questions of our JMods for the sake of the future of RuneScape we all love. We will need to ask on those issues and see if they've decided on RuneScape direction, whether they've a style philosophy and if there's anyone who guarantees that content updates remains consistent with these aims. Our JMods have been very forthcoming in regards but it seems that we have seen a drifting apart from JMod decisions and participant opinion. I hope this article can bring the playerbase and the JMods closer again to achieve the first vision of community driven articles we all believed in when Oldschool Runescape first introduced. I'd welcome the opportunity to achieve that if any JMods would love to talk about this further.What I get from the runescape game
I will say it again and it has been said a thousand times before, you never really quit Runescape, you take extended breaks. The appeal for the most part is nostalgia I presume, and also the ease of pretty much everything. As somebody who doesn't engage at all in PvP and minimally in PvM (mostly into skilling and questing) there is actuallyn't a reason. Maxing out even one skill in OSRS is a huge grind, also there are a lot of abilities simpler to level than many others. One of the best characteristics of RS3 and OSRS is the quests, I have often heard it said that no other MMO does seem like Runescape. And both variations of RuneScape have their worth.
While I do like how extreme the grind to level up is I feel as though it's because of the grind when I eventually get there, that I get that feeling of accomplishment. I Wish there was more of buy RS gold a pay off for spending all that time leveling abilities to their max. OSRS does not do the whole"attempt = benefit" aspect very nicely. This edition of Runescape is optimized for group vs play. A lot of aspects of RuneScape's group content is content and these days anyways it has gotten worse, since most players choose to play solo. RuneScape does not actually feel cluttered, but it feels like it has no clear direction with its content upgrades, a little bit of everything there and here. The community of OSRS tends to be toxic, which can take away from a lot of the pleasure of playing RuneScape, it causes you to wonder not or if you should stick with it. No micro-transactions except which that will help I think.
There are many more I want to tell you, but time is limited. These views and ideas are all from this website, if you are interested, you can browse them in detail. URL: