How to Maintain Good Posture: A Chiropractor Weighs In

Posted December 8, 2021 by discoveroptimal

Dr. Jason Weigner is a chiropractor expert on correct posture & knows how to correct it. You can visit him for checking your posture and get it correct if you need it.
A lot of people think of poor posture as just something that makes you look worse or feel less confident. Most people do not realize that it can actually have very practical health effects. For example, studies from Harvard have found that poor posture can lead to heartburn, incontinence, and even constipation!

Dr. Jason Weigner is an expert on posture and how to correct it. His knowledge of chiropractic care might be just what you need to help you start the process of improving your own posture.

So what exactly does Dr. Jason Weigner know that can help people improve their posture so much? Read on to learn all about 2 top tips on how to maintain good posture from Dr. Jason Weigner!

Develop Awareness of Your Posture

To maintain correct posture, you must first learn to stay aware of your body. I have seen a lot of patients fix half of their postural problems or more just by learning to take note of what their body is telling them. Your body will often tell you whether or not you are using good posture because you will feel better when you have good posture rather than bad.

It can help to give yourself some kind of reminder to check on your posture. For example, you might put a band around your wrist. Every time you notice this band, you can check your posture and correct it if you need to.

Another good tip for helping yourself to remain in good posture is to check how each part of your body is balanced. You want your head to be oriented in such a way that it is balanced on your shoulders. It should not be tilting forward, back, or sideways.

That means that none of your neck muscles should be stressed by being required to hold your head in place when it is off balance.

Next, you can check that your upper torso is tilted so that it is balanced on your lower torso. Again, your muscles should be able to relax instead of having to hold your body up in an off-balance position.

Lastly, your whole upper body should be balanced on your hips and legs. Once again, you should not be required to stress your muscles to keep your body up.

The better your posture becomes, the more relaxed your muscles will become. This can improve back pain, general aches, and stiffness.

Know What Good Sitting Posture Looks Like

I know a lot of people who simply don't know what good posture looks like. It is no wonder that they have trouble maintaining good posture when they do not know how to recognize when their posture is good or bad.

The right posture depends on the situation you are in. If I am sitting, then I will employ a different posture than I would if I were standing or sleeping.

When sitting, you want to keep your feet solidly on the floor. Ideally, your feet should rest flat on the floor while your knees are at 90° angles. That will mean that your thighs are parallel to the ground.

When you are focusing on posture, you should avoid crossing your legs. Although crossing your legs can be fine in certain situations, it is not ideal when you are developing an understanding of proper posture.

You should avoid stools or sitting surfaces without backs when you are working on your posture. Your chair should provide back support so that you can comfortably keep your spine perpendicular to the ground.

This way, you can avoid leaning forward or slouching. If you find yourself tempted to rest your elbows on your knees, then you should remember to keep your back flat against the black rest of your chair.

Know All About How to Maintain Good Posture

I hope that you were able to find something useful in part 1 of this brief series on a few of the most important things you should keep in mind when you want to know how to maintain good posture. Posture is an essential part of enjoying the highest quality of life possible, so it merits your full attention and time until the becomes natural and automatic.

To learn more about how to maintain excellent posture and find help through chiropractic care, feel free to check out this link here!

Know What Good Standing Posture Looks Like

When you are standing, it is important that you stay balanced. From head to toe, your body should be kept straight up and down because it is in the correct position, not because your muscles are working to keep you from falling over.

It is also important to distribute your weight correctly. Make sure that your feet are far enough apart to give you a good base to stand on. You also want to have most of your weight on the balls of your feet rather than your heels.

It can actually be very uncomfortable to stand without moving for a long period of time. Feel free to move around while standing. You don't want to associate your new posture with uncomfortable rigidity.

Maintain Correct Posture in Your Sleep

When you think about it, you probably spend more time in a given position while sleeping than you do while doing anything else. Even if your posture is great while you are awake, if your posture is bad while sleeping, it can do a lot of damage to your back.

The best position for posture while sleeping is to sleep on your back. It is also acceptable to sleep on your side. It can often help to put a pillow between your knees if you are sleeping on your side.

The main thing to avoid is sleeping on your stomach. You also want a pillow large enough to be comfortable, but not so thick that it forces your neck into an unnatural position.

See a Chiropractor If You Have Back Pain

If all else fails or you want to enjoy faster results, you can visit a chiropractor. A free consultation with a chiropractor is a great way to start your new posture off on the right foot.

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Issued By Discover Optimal Healthcare
Phone 610-876-6180
Business Address 3605 Edgmont Ave
Brookhaven, PA, 19015
Country United States
Categories Health
Tags chiropractic care
Last Updated December 8, 2021