As insurance agencies create their marketing plans for the upcoming year, many will focus on insurance agency web marketing as a key marketing driver to generate insurance agency leads. Web marketing is not merely a trend; it is a new way of doing business, and one which agencies cannot ignore. The days of agency growth from a purely referral driven perspective are gone, as more and more communication becomes virtual in nature, as networking moves from handshaking to internet surfing, and younger buyers embrace digital communication over face to face meetings. More info
Yet what does web marketing mean these days? According to Wikipedia, web marketing "refers to the placement of media along many different stages of the customer engagement cycle through search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), banner ads on specific websites, e-mail marketing, and Web 2.0 strategies." This serves as a reasonable definition for our discussion, as we answer important questions relating to insurance agency web marketing: Let's begin by identifying the key components of an insurance agency web marketing plan:
Agency Web Seminar Marketing
Blogging and Vlogging
Insurance Agency Website Design
Insurance eMarketing Campaigns
Insurance Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Insurance SEO (Insurance Agency Search Engine Optimization)
Pay Per Click (Google PPC, LinkedIn PPC, etc.)
Social Media Marketing (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, StumbleUpon)
Insurance Agency Telemarketing (augments web marketing)
Arguably, insurance agency web marketing always begins with a comprehensive insurance website redesign, unless the agency website was recently completed and is up to date. An insurance agency website must be graphically attractive, it should have current and compelling content, a blog (and vlog if possible), and industry news to mention a few important elements. Video is becoming increasingly more important as it provides a medium for the quick conveyance of information in a compelling and personal manner. Website video can also be leveraged on YouTube to further increase insurance agency internet presence. Vlogs, which are video blogs, can be very helpful to a website. Vlogs can be a talking head video, recorded PowerPoint presentation or even voice over photographs. They integrate the contextual power of a blog with the enhanced impact of a video or PowerPoint.