For every one you will need to use the'Transfer Obstacle' option on Taurus. He will sucessfuly move them. Additionally, there are seven traps along the side that will deal 5-12 damage every time you walk (you may disable the seals with 53 thieving, which you will have if you've finished Desert Treasure quest). Once you pass the traps, you will be in a circular chamber with six doors. Enter the third door in the left. If you enter some of the other doorways, it will state they won't budge (if you use the'Transfer Obstacle' option on Taurus, he'll say that he can not move it)
When you are in the chamber, you will see a tomb surrounded by golden vases (you can not take them, but you can search them and get five coins at a time) with the symbol of Zaros onto them. Click on the choice to'Look' the grave. You'll discover engraved markers on the tomb. Click on the'Read' option and these phrases will show up in a trade-like window:
What do you think this means? I don't understand. Let's start this grave and find out what we're looking for. Taurus will attempt to open the tomb, but on the sides of the wall there'll be five level 98 mummies which will attack you along with Taurus. Taurus will shield himself easily with his granite maul, and will hit around 30. Once all of the mummies are lifeless, Taurus will speak.
This place isn't safe! I'm getting out of this! Taurus will run out of the tomb. Today you'll need to attempt to start the grave for yourself. When you do, the rock shirt will slide off and King Alirin will arise out of the sarcophogus. When you examine him, you'll get this message:'Looking pretty good for his age' He will speak with you.
What is it you seek? I seek a pendant that Azzanadra gave to you about the day you were crowned king. He gave it to you, so you should be polite enough to give it back! He states that the time needs it's use. If you picked the first option, he will attack you (is level 98), and will fall the Pendant of Azzanadra. Yes, well, here it is. He'll give you the Pendant of Azzanadra.
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