Enlarged prostate refers to a medical condition in men that causes the cells in the prostate glands to multiply, which leads to swelling in your prostate gland. The larger the prostate glands get, the more they squeeze the urethra, and the more they affect the urine flow. According to the uro-oncologist in Navi Mumbai & Mumbai India, enlarged prostate must not be confused with cancer, even though it does replicate the cancer symptoms.
Enlarged prostate or BPH is a common problem in India with nearly half of the men experiencing the symptoms after turning 60. Although it doesn’t affect your sexual life or increase your risk of getting prostate cancer in the future, it can impact the quality of your life.
Signs and Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate
Frequent urination, extreme urge to urinate quickly and inability to hold urine are a few common signs of enlarged prostate in men. Other symptoms include:
● Not being able to empty the bladder completely
● A weak urine flow
● Dribbling of urine
● The leakage of urine before you get to the toilet
● An urge to urinate again after a few minutes of urinating
In addition to these factors, the patient might experience an inability to urinate and weak flow. They may also report urinary tract infections and blood in the urine. These symptoms can be caused by other medical conditions or current medications. The above symptoms can also be caused by anxiety, hypertension, and certain lifestyle factors.
Causes of Enlarged Prostate
The exact causes of enlarged prostate are unknown. However, it is believed that the lack of proper balance in the sex hormones can enlarge your prostate. Other causes include:
● Aging
● Family history of enlarged prostate
● Obesity and poor lifestyle
● Diabetes and heart diseases
The prostate cancer specialist in Mumbai, India will order a few tests, including radiographic exams to identify the severity of the problem. You may need abdominal and pelvic ultrasound to identify the size of the prostate glands. The physical rectal examination will help in further diagnosis.
Treatment for the Enlarged Prostate
Minimally-invasive treatments and medications can help relieve the symptoms of BPH and enlarged prostate. The best treatment for you depends on the symptoms you are experiencing, how large the prostate glands have grown, and your current medications. An enlarged prostate can cause a range of new problems, such as kidney stones, blood in urine, and the inability to urinate. That’s why treatment is necessary at the initial stage.
The symptoms might get worse with time in people above 50-60 years. The treatment plan that’s working for a man in their 40s may not be suitable for a 70-year-old. Visit a urologist in Mumbai for an early diagnosis. They will also help you decide the best treatment plan that can relieve your symptoms, improve the quality of your life, and prevent other complications from the enlarged prostate. Medications help in most cases, but if they don’t work, your doctor may recommend minimally-invasive procedures to reduce the size of the prostate.
Source: https://drdeyurosurgeon.medium.com/the-growing-problem-of-an-enlarged-prostate-7b7fec75deea