A professional massage therapist in dubai can understand your body language but definitely it is not possible for them to read your mind. A massage is a therapeutic partnership so if it is painful or hurting you must immediately speak up. If the complete pressure is going to in-depth just tell “could you please reduce the pressure?” if the entire pressure is fine but one particular spot is very soft and the pain is intense in that place – again you may inform the therapist that there is a slight more pain in that part than other places. Each client is different so the therapist does what is common but if you want it differently you can always ask for it.
There is also two different things good and bad pain. For starters massage usually isn’t painful. You are just beginning to know about yourself and your body’s pain and needs. However at times therapies may be performed little deeper for a particular muscle to relax. It may give slight discomfort for short while not an intense pain, it will get better after sometime. So it is bearable.