Election - as defined by Webster's dictionary - the selection of a person or persons for office by vote. Theologically speaking it is the choice by God of individuals, as for a particular work, or for favor, or salvation into the church of Christ. The Greek word which is eklektos means the same: to select. Now concerning God his vote is a majority of one and his vote is the only one that counts. Paul tells the church that Christ has elected us unto the office of being ambassadors for him per 2Co 5:20.
Rm 9:11 is where we find one of the most powerful verses concerning God's total sovereignty in choosing his children into the church of Christ. God's choice as seen in this Scripture is independent of any influence or actions whatsoever on the part of man. In verses 12 and 13 God informs Rebecca that the elder son would serve the younger son and then Paul justifies his argument by quoting Mal 1:3 - as it is written Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated and this is before they were even born. The point to all this is real simple, in fact it couldn't be any clearer if we had the vision of an eagle - my purpose according to election is what shall stand. God is telling the church of Christ his counsel shall stand according to who he has chosen, according to whom he has elected, according to his vote and that all this was purposed before we were born. God gave her this revelation back before her kids were born so that she would know that the elder would serve the younger so that she understood that his purpose by his election would stand no matter if the elder Esau was supposed to receive the blessing. All those that read this please go back and read the Scriptures and study and pray God give thee understanding in this matter for those that do not believe these words.