We have consistently proven our self in the domain of GATE & IES Coaching in Chandigarh. We are providing Best IES Coaching and Best GATE coaching in Chandigarh and nearby region. We are consistently producing IES/GATE top rankers from last six years. It took lots of hard work and dedication to become BEST Institute for GATE COACHING in Chandigarh and its credit goes to our highly qualified and experienced faculties which include Ex-IES Officers, GATE Toppers, IITians and NITians who have done their MTech or PhD from top rated universities.
We teach and coach students not just for their examinations but also for their better career and life ahead. We coach Students of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computer Science Engineering and Civil Engineering. We are also considered as best GATE & IES Coaching Centre for ME, ECE, EE, CE and CSE.
Engineers Career Group is the best SSC JE Coaching Institute in Chandigarh and also the most amazing SSC JE Coaching in Chandigarh. We are an elite in SSC JE coaching in Chandigarh, Tricity, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab Region.
We also provide detailed class notes by experts, Classroom workbook and practice assignments which include quality questions from top competitive exams like ISRO, BARC, NTPC, DRDO, Previous year’s questions of IES /GATE exams.
We are not only providing GATE Coaching in Chandigarh and IES Coaching in Chandigarh but we are also providing free career guidance by experts to every student who visits our campus to help them with their good future.
1800 270 4242 (Toll free)
[email protected]
Head Office
SCO 80-81-82, 3rd & 4th floor
Near Passport Office
Sec. 34 A, Chandigarh 160022
Nodal Centre
Geeta Institute of Management and Technology (GIMT)
G.T Road, Kanipla
Haryana 136119
Center of Excellence
DAV University
Room Number: AC - 206,
2nd Floor, Admin Block-1
Jalandhar (Punjab) 14401