Somewhere along the line, we as a society decided that brides and grooms would get whatever they wanted on their special day. While some of these requests are mostly acceptable, when it comes to inviting kids, some engaged couple have got the wrong idea. All weddings should allow kids to attend, even if that is against the bride's wishes.
By telling parents that their children are not welcome at a celebration, in essence brides are telling parents that they themselves are not welcome. Well-functioning families operate as a team, and if one person is banished, why should the others pretend like that's acceptable?
I've been to a fair number of weddings, and not once was my attention taken away from the revelry or admiring the bride's dress because of someone else's kid. The bride will still be the center of attention, regardless of whether there's a little ragamuffin smelling flowers behind the ceremony. People do not pay attention to other people's kids at weddings except to occasionally "ooh" and "ahh" about how cute they are, then return to the dancing.
At this point in my life, most of my friends have at least one kid. If someone were planning a wedding and told us that we're invited but our children are not, it would be exceptionally rude. I believe that all of my friends would feel rightfully slighted.
I'm not saying that children should go to all weddings, but instead that the decision as to whether or not they attend should be on that child's parents, not the bride and groom. Plus, most parents I know would prefer to party hard and celebrate love away from their children.
When two of our best friends got married last year, there was no way in heck I was going to bring my son, even if I knew he would have been adorable in that tiny suit. To put it basically, I wanted to have fun and be drunk me, not parent me. Having a child at a weddingonly impedes the fun of the parents, not the rest of the guests.
I like to believe that people are kind and thoughtful. This is a naivete that sometimes gets me into trouble, but more often than not, I am proved right. I'd like to believe that if a child were to scream or otherwise cause a fuss during the ceremony or reception, their parents would handle it. But if a wedding guest would be so thoughtless and selfish as to decide to ignore their children's behavior entirely, why are they the type of people getting invited in the first place?
Family weddings prove especially difficult, since most additional babysitting and care is done by family members like aunts and grandparents. However, when the whole family is attending a wedding and kids aren't allowed, this is in essence a disingenuous invitation, one that I won't be able to accept.
For those who argue that parents should just have to get a babysitter, that is a costly and uncomfortable option. At an average rate of $15 an hour, and assuming at least five hours for the wedding, this bill adds up. That's not even taking into consideration an out-of-town wedding, where you might be dependent on word of mouth to find someone you trust. Parents should not have to incur this obscene cost just because a bride is worried about kids being present at her wedding.
When I go to a wedding, I want to have fun, honor the love being celebrated, and dance my ass off. I do not want to have to worry about whether or not my son is in danger because he's with a stranger.
If I'm invited to a wedding, I will do everything in my power to make sure that my son has a trusted and loved relative to watch him, but sometimes that just can't be the case. I like to know that if I'm willing to drive hundreds of miles to, and spend hundreds of dollars on, someone's wedding, that all of my family would be welcome.Read more at: |