As planned, the level 100 version of Upper Blackrock Spire can be able to play at level 90 before WOW expansion Warlords of Draenor. But now, it is not visible in the dungeon. Here is something you should bear in mind to queue for it in Patch 6.0.2.
UBRS is a level 100 dungeon in World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor. But a few months ago, Blizzard confirmed that it would be available before the expansion releases. Now, it is in Patch 6.0.2, and here is the guide to queue for it.
UBRS in Warlords of Draenor
UBRS available at level 90 before expansion
As planned, UBRS should be available as a level 100 dungeon once Warlords of Draenor releases. But several days ago, Ion Hazzikostas announced that, in patch 6.0 we'll be able to run it as a level 90 dungeon to get loot that will serve us as we get ready to go to Draenor.
Now Warlords of Draenor pre-patch has been available, and everyone can take the battle to the Iron Horde, push them back through the portal, and defeat the forces under Warlord Zaela in Upper Blackrock Spire.
How to queue for UBRS at 90 in Patch 6.0.2
Definitely, all players are salivating to explore the first new content as usual for the sake of high drop rate. At that time, everyone should remember that particular dungeon that will ultimately be for level 100 players in patch 6.0. Now, it can be available at level 90. But you should keep the following in mind:
1. You can't just zone into level 90 UBRS. “The physical instance portal for UBRS is level 100 only. Only way to do level 90 is to queue via LFD, like a Holiday Boss,” posted Zorbrix.
2. Because of a bug, you can't queue for UBRS via the LFD tool unless you meet the dungeon's ilevel requirement of 510.
Since this new content is tuned for ilevel 510 and up, you should slow your roll a little bit until you get the feel of the place. UBRS is available for level 90 characters before Patch 6.0, so buy gold wow at safewow level up and take a battle in this dungeon.
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