Neverwinter Strongholds will come on August 11. With Neverwinter Astral Diamond in so much demand, some people may farm Leadership on Gateway to earn Astral Diamonds fast. To stop botting and make a fair game play, Leadership has been disabled from Gateway. Additionally, to make sure the supply of Astral Diamonds, double AD events will start July 31.
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Farm Neverwinter Diamonds from Leadership on Gateway
A large amount of neverwinter players have extensively used Gateway to browse through rare tasks to make a great deal of AD, far more frequently than is feasible to actually log in. It severely impedes the site's utility function for people who have never abused it in any fashion.
Leadership profession is disabled on Gateway
To combat botting and make a fair and enjoyable game play, the developers have disabled Leadership from Gateway, but it is not being disabled in-game. Here, something needs to be clarified that cheap neverwinter astral diamonds on Safewow are all hand made by skilled gamers, rather than botting.
Certainly, it is not the final decision for the Leadership profession. The developers are still re-examine the non-profession methods of getting Astral Diamonds and make sure players can gain rewards sufficiently.
Double AD events start July 31 to ensure the supply of Diamonds
This change, inevitably, has an impact on legit players. To make sure the supply of Astral Diamonds in Neverwinter doesn’t change too dramatically, double astral diamonds neverwinter events will start in July 31.
Suggestion to fix Leadership farm best
The current solution effectively stop leadership farm, but it also affects on the legit players. Maybe the developers can rewrite Gateway in a different programming language and find an alternate means of implementing it, like a standalone mobile app. It may not rule out all cheating, but it becomes harder for cheating to achieve it.
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