Feminism Makes Us Smarter LLC shows You Why Feminism Matters

Posted September 16, 2022 by fmusorg

Feminism Makes us Smarter founded by Francoise Girard has been raising its voice against the oppression of women in any form for years together. It was the leader among the feminism groups in 2021
There are many people in the United States that believe in promoting women’s rights. They are firm in their conviction that it is immoral and even illegal depriving half of the people in the country from enjoying legitimate rights on the basis of gender considerations. Many of them join one of the leading feminism groups 2021 as such groups provide them the platform to voice their views in public.

“There arefeminism groups 2021 those are active in 2022. One of them is those limiting their activities to discussion forums and social media platforms to share their opinion. There is another group that also voice their claims relating to equal rights for women by going a step ahead. They lead feminist movements also. Feminism Makes us Smarter (FMUS) belongs to the second category”, contends a top reviewing site.

Why does feminism matter? It matters because the double standard adopted by the authorities on the issue. On the one hand they advocate equal rights for women while on the other hand they upheld laws that curb women’s rights. The latest example is the stand taken by several state governments as well as the Supreme Court banning abortion by women. The stand has taken away the right that was enjoyed by the women for the last 50 years. Feminism movements matter because they are the potent tool for fighting for justice. It opposes the authoritarianism denying women their constitutional rights.

Denial of the women’s rights in the society and family is the outcome ofpatriarchal authoritarianism prevalent in the society. The trend has resulted in oppression of women in many cases. The feminist movements run by the feminist groups in 2021 and 2022 are directed against such authoritarianism. They call for abolition of laws and practices that allow patriarchs to keep women in the back seat in the society.

“Such social issues require roper handling. The first step in the process is to raise voice against the double standards kept alive by the advocates of patriarchal authoritarianism. Such systems may be appropriate in an authoritarian set up but is embarrassing and out of place in a large democracy like the United States”, says the founder of FMUS.

Feminism Makes us Smarter has been working for women’s rights for decades. The aim is to prevent the abolition of regulations favoring women and opposing any gender-based discriminatory practice followed by the proponents of patriarchal authoritarianism.

About the Organization
Feminism Makes us Smarter founded by Francoise Girard has been raising its voice against the oppression of women in any form for years together. It was the leader among the feminism groups in 2021 that is continuing its fights for justice in 2022 as well. They are creating awareness among people about why feminism matters and how to fight against patriarchal authoritarianism.

Contact Information
Feminism Makes Us Smarter LLC
217 East 70th Street
2086 New York 10021
Email – [email protected]
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Issued By It was the leader among the feminism groups.
Business Address 217 East 70th Street 2086 New York 10021 USA
Country United States
Categories Business , Legal
Tags why does feminism matter , patriarchal authoritarianism , feminism groups 2021
Last Updated September 16, 2022