The renounced author and life coach, Dequonna Wise, wishes to announce the publication and commencement of sale for her new book titled “8 Layers of Division among Women”. Dubbed as a book for women empowerment and standard behaviour guide; 8 Layers of Division among Women comes in both electronic and paperback versions that provides suitable specification for all kinds of readers. While discussing the motivation behind the creation of the book with a group of students, Dequonna Wise said “When you're unhappy, you seek distractions and validation. If my word could reach out and transform the life and character of just one person, then I will be fulfilled and know that I have not spoken in vain”.
In the book ‘8 Layers of Division among Women’, the author identifies what it described as 8 toxic energy and traits that keep women separated and disunited, and also provide 3 ways through which each layer of the traits can be identified. It however furthered to provide some recommendations as antidote for combating the identified toxic traits. The book also comes with a question segment at the end of each layer to allow its reader identify with the strongholds, and as well save to revert back to for the purpose of self accountability. The ultimate goal of the book is to help women interact better with one another within the society, and also be good to their individual selves.
The Ebook version of 8 Layers of Division among Women comes in 44pages without the self-appraising question segment, while the paperback version has 91 pages with full question segment to enhance self appraisal and reverence for subsequent activities. Copy of the paperback version of the book is available for purchase at You can also visit the iBooks segment on Amazon to get a copy of the ebook version.