SHAWNEEE, OK, December 28, 2018 – Are you happy with your business this year? What are you going to do differently? How can you hire the right people to support your vision? Sadly, many small business owners do not spend enough time planning for the future. It’s quite understandable. Managers must keep pace with the daily demands of their businesses, including payroll, taxes, product/service delivery, and customer expectations., Dr Daryl Green provides vital insight on conducting an organizational checkup for small businesses for the upcoming year.
Based on the study of 2004 Small Business Administration (SBA). In the study, it is known that 580,900 small businesses opened in 2005 and 576,200 others are closed. It is noted also that 67% of the new companies can only survive at least 2 years while the 44% others survived at least 4 years.
According to Dr. Green, small business owners need to evaluate their businesses. Dr. Green explains, “Like humans, small businesses could benefit from a good checkup too. Nowadays, small businesses are experiencing the realities of a hypercompetitive economy. In fact, buyers are smarter and savvy about purchasing their products and services. Therefore, businesses must adapt to changing times.”
Dr. Green is an internationally acknowledged author and researcher. He is the Dickinson Chair at the Oklahoma Baptist University. In 2016, Dr. Green retired from the Department of Energy as a senior engineer, where he had managed programs for over 27 years. With his technological background and entrepreneurial spirit, this professor has steadily developed intellectual properties, such as eBooks, Kindles, MP3, and video downloads to take advantage of the global platform.Dr. Green has conducted extensive research on small businesses. Dr. Green notes, “I partner with local businesses as both a practitioner and academic. Effective universities know how to help area businesses to grow. I want to serve in this capacity too.”
He hopes his expertise can assist many struggling small businesses in the upcoming year.
In the public sector, Dr. Green has managed multi-million-dollar projects as well as conducted more than 100 organizational evaluations. He realizes the struggles are for both small and large businesses as it has been stated by SBA. Sure, the problems struggled need to be diagnosed and overcome. Therefore, there are the eight most important checkup questions to ask when someone is intended to build up his or her small business before entering the year 2019.
Here they are.
Do you have a clear vision for your business? What is it?
Do you know why your customers buy from you and why others do not buy from you?
What results are you getting from your marketing? Do you have an effective online presence on the web?
Are you collecting data or the right kind of data on your customers and competitors?
Are you keeping pace with your industry trends? If so, what are the key trends?
How are you measuring results (i.e., key performance indicators like cash flow and revenue)?
What are your key competitors’ marketing strategies?
Have you evaluated your strengths and weaknesses (i.e., SWOT Analysis)?
By finding the answers to those eight questions, it is expected that the businessmen are able to improve their business as well as gain more customers. Dr. Green adds, “These questions serve as friendly reminders for the small business; there can be is room for improvement. Yes..even the big global businesses like IBM and Google utilize self-evaluations.”. However, the checkup must also be done continuously in order to evaluate the business’ performance.
For more information about Dr. Daryl Green and to have a media interview with him on this subject, visit or contact 405-585-4414.
About Dr. Daryl D. Green
Dr. Daryl D. Green is an internationally acknowledged author and researcher. He is the Dickinson Chair at the Oklahoma Baptist University. Dr. Green writes a syndicated online column and blog. Moreover, he has been quoted in major media outlets, including USA Today, Associated Press, Ebony, and BET. In 2016, he retired from the federal government as a senior program manager. Dr. Green has spent more than 20 years helping organizations and thousands of individuals make good decisions through his lectures, seminars, and columns.
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