Our journey:
Happy Little Succulents, located in Sydney, began as a modest enterprise in February 2019 when we discovered ourselves with an excess of succulents! On any other day, we would tell you that there is no such thing as 'having too many succulents' and that we would hate to get go of them due to our obsession, but our yard hardly had enough space to host them! We used Facebook sites and online selling groups to locate homes for our plant pals. That is how Happy Little Succulents came to be.
Happy Little Succulents are charming plant pals that are simple to care for and do not require much upkeep. These exotic and colorful plants may provide a beautiful touch to any living area and transform the vibe in any room due to their natural and organic presence. Since moving to Australia, I've been hooked on cultivating succulents for the past 20 years. After years of caring for my plant friends, I feel we have grasped what it means to appreciate the beauty of succulents and the bonds they may develop. We at Happy Little Succulents want others to have the same experience!
If you're ever in the Manly area, you should come to check out our succulents! You might be astonished to discover some lovely items we do not currently sell online.
Happy Little Succulents have been freshly cut and are nearly ready for planting when you receive them. Your succulents are ready for a new home once the bottom has dried up and produced a callus. This usually appears a few days after getting your gift package. Plant your succulents in well-draining soil, either in a container or in the garden, once they have dried out.
If you use a pot, make sure it has a hole at the bottom to drain extra water. The most common killer of succulents is overwatering!
If you still have any queries regarding products or brands, you can refer to the below-given details:
Contact details:
Happy Little Succulents
[email protected]
Website: happylittlesucculents.com.au
Phone: 0412 417 411