Autism is characterized by developmental delay that manifests in early childhood and is marked by extreme difficulties in sustaining eye contact, relating to others, communicating with people, and using language to convey feelings, emotions as well as concepts.
• Homeopathy can be fundamental in the reversal of neurodevelopmental delay that first manifests in childhood and slowly worsens.
• After six months of life, overt symptoms appear that become established by the age of two to three years and persist through adulthood. It is rare for parents to notice that anything is amiss before the age of one year old. When we take a very accurate history of the child, there actually are telltale signs. At Homeopathic Services, we specialize in autism cases and experience led us to pay attention to details that medicine completely disregards. From these observations, we have been able to create a list of red flags, or precursors to autism very early in life.
• These red flags have been crucial not only to understand autism better but also to be able to prescribe remedies very accurately.
Signs And Symptoms
• Difficulties with verbal communication.
• Limited eye contact.
• Trouble making friends with kids their age.
• A lack of desire to share success or joy with others.
• No desire to join others in play.
• They appear unfeeling with difficulty comprehending the emotions of others.
• More than 40% of individuals with autism perpetually don’t speak.
• Engaging verbally is generally confined to “I want…” type of questions.
• They only show partial interest in things:Playing is limited to chase, short videos clips might be repeated over and over again. Interest might be limited to a piece of string only.
• The characteristic triad of symptoms of autism has long been thought to have a common cause at the genetic, cognitive, and neural levels.
• Autism may have a strong genetic basis; however, it is unclear whether rare mutations with major effects or rare multigene interactions of common genetic variants best explain ASD.
• It is most likely that instead of a gene that autism is a complex disorder with a core cognitive component.
• Behavior, not cause or mechanism, is the basis for diagnosis.
• A pediatrician conducts a preliminary investigation by gathering the child's developmental history and doing a physical examination. That is followed by a neuro psychiatrist.
• Several of the diagnostic tools listed below are employed when necessary.
• The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) uses observation and interaction with the kid, whereas the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) is a semi-structured parent interview.
• The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), which gauges the severity of autism through child observation, is frequently used in therapeutic settings.
At, our patients come already diagnosed. The process is to conduct a three hour first consultation where we obtain information in each case that goes back to time of pregnancy. That is followed by prescribing a constitutional homeopathic remedy designed to unblock the impediments to development.
Self-medication for any condition is never a good idea. Therefore, the only purpose of the remedies mentioned in this presentation is to raise awareness of using homoeopathic medicines to treat illness. Contact us to know the details on ‘Can Autism Be Cured by Homeopathy?”