Affiliate program web sites are popping up everywhere. Are these websites actually a profitable venture? The Internet is full of gimmicks and schemes promising wealth in ridiculous short periods of time. Unfortunately there are always people that fall for "Get Rich Quick" schemes.
However Affiliate Program Web Sites can be legitimate sources of income, which will produce money if you invest time and strategy. Most of these web sites are automated and eliminate the process of having to update your new websites on a daily basis giving you extra time which can be spent on promoting your site and driving traffic to it.
For the most part these sites generate income from different sources. Most have two to three sources of income and each source should differ from the other. The best combination of sources would be a pay per click program like Google AdSense combined with a pay per sale affiliate program like eBay or Amazon. This is ideal as it gives you the opportunity to generate income from your site daily with the pay per click program even if you do not make a sale through your pay per sale affiliate program(s). The content of your web site updates through a script implemented with your affiliate code, your AdSense ads will also have your specific code which you can provide the seller or implement your self, once you join the program and have access to the code and site.
Results with these sites vary dramatically. Most of the companies and people who sell Affiliate Program Web Sites include in their sales pitch domain, design, optimization, automation and any other bells and whistles. Make sure you understand that even with the promises of search engine optimization you may not see the benefits of that until months after you purchased the web site if at all. Most sales pitches fail to qualify the buyer that like any other business you will need to put in some time. Basic optimization, search engine submissions are all included and can help, but if you just sit there waiting for your site to start producing you will not be successful. The most successful affiliate program web sites have a niche. The domain, theme and content should be centered around the specific niche. This narrows down your perspective visitor and targets a specific customer looking for what you have to sell.
Make sure to deal with companies which provide more than just the site, the best companies provide free e-books, access to a website with useful information, customer support and more.
To sum things up, it is possible to generate income with Affiliate Program Web Sites; the amount depends on how much time you are willing to put into your venture. You can start with one site and grow, I know people making good income with one site and others who are making incredible income with multiple sites.
My company specializes in building automated affiliate ready niche websites at very affordable prices. We pride ourselves in providing useful and real information for our customers. Remember automated affiliate websites are a business, they can produce great income but like any other business they can fail. Always be careful when dealing with people that promise outrageous results. I wish you good luck in any business ventures and hope to provide future articles with information that may help you.