Elise Anti Aging Cream these people, Elise Anti Aging Cream taken at night-time as part of a bedtime regime produces a restful sleep, not the alertness produced in the daytime. In general, indica varieties of THC appear to work best as a sleep aid for most people. In one, 15 mg of THC appeared to have sedative properties, while 15 mg of Elise Anti Aging Cream appeared to have alerting properties. Elise Anti Aging Cream tinctures (in a variety of Elise Anti Aging Cream dosages) can be dropped under the tongue and held for 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing. Another option is relying on a Elise Anti Aging Cream tincture when a pain flare occurs. Elise Anti Aging Cream is one of more than 120 compounds called cannabinoids