App store screenshots have a solid impact on clients while downloading any application from the app store. They are really considered as a critical factor to improve app downloads. If your screenshots are terrible, individuals will not download your application. However, if it is designed very well, it will definitely make more downloads. Always keep in mind that users will depend on the screenshots that you presented to them, while selling your app in an app store. For this intention, it’s very significant to consider the screenshots as part of your selling. Developers as well as designers need to avoid certain common mistakes occurred when app screenshots are taking by following App store screenshot guidelines.
Why screenshots have that much importance?
At the point When a potential customer is filtering through the search results and they analyze your app, the main things they consider to look at are your app’s screenshots. This is a great chance for you to amaze your potential audience. Therefor screenshots need lots of efforts as well as deep thinking. They have to be at their top as they can meaningfully increase downloads of your app. It may happen that numerous clients will make their ultimate decision on the base of how eye-catchy the screenshots are. Remember that individuals often make their buying decision based on their feelings.
Great App store screenshots will clarify what your application does initially, emerge from the crowd of apps as well as represent your App/game in its greatest bright. Ideally your screenshots will produce their advantage and they will go ahead to analyze your description as well as downloads.
What size you need for screenshots?
With regards to pick out your orientation, you have to consider how you anticipate your application to be utilized and what the different devices are. On the off chance that your application interchanges with the distinctive orientation of diverse devices, then select the orientation it appears finest in.
What is the quantity of screenshots to add into?
At least a single screenshot for each application/game is obliged per app and you can enhance up to additional four screenshots. It is a great opportunity to represent diverse sides of your application. Provide more importance to your first screenshot as it turns out to be your first impression. It is the most significant screenshot as it appears on your app page on the desktop/app store. It needs to demonstrate the key purpose of your application and it have to look decent.
Order the screenshots as per their individual importance, when you get ready with it. This ought to be constructing basically with respect to the feature they show off and how critical that is regarding characterizing your application.
Is it ok to include text overlays?
If alone a screenshot does not express the significance of your application, then you ought to include some content over it. Try not to depend on the application description because few individuals might not want to go for the description. There is no need of lot of text on your screenshots. Sometimes only two words are enough to describe the whole thing. You can also convey different points with just one line of brief content. Once you have decided to add text then you must guarantee that it is strong, coherent as well as easily readable by the users.
What to skip while designing App store screenshots?
There are few normal mistakes you can see again and again in the app store; however they are very easy to come-across. The primary factor is does not make the image too busy because it never looks attractive and appealing. However some overlay text is enough to represent your app idea. Display the real app interface rather than photography, begging screens or animations. Verify your picture comprises high resolution instead of pixellation. Follow all the App store screenshot guidelines to represent an amazing screenshots (Generate App Store images for all iPhone sizes from Sketch).
Become proficient at your App store screenshots is something that will utilize your time and even cost you a couple of dollars, but it will definitely generate last-longing impression on the customer’s mind. Prettiness is in the eye of onlooker, obviously, yet the more individuals who see that excellence in your application will download it. So, smarten your screenshots up to build the precise impression.